
时间:2018-04-04 03:59:34

标签: r plot legend title



pacman::p_load("tidyverse", "Cairo")

parameter_results <- readRDS("param_results_2014.RDS")
pie_chart <- function(parameter, title = parameter) {
  parameter_df <- parameter_results %>%
    select(results = parameter) %>%  #keep only column for the parameter you want to plot
    filter(results != "Not Applicable") %>% 
    count(results) %>%               #
    mutate(prop = prop.table(n), perc = paste0(round(prop * 100),"%"))
  color_code <- c("Attaining" = "#99FF99", "Insufficient Information" =  "#FFFF99", "Non Attaining" =  "#FF9999")

  parameter_df <- parameter_results %>%
    select(results = parameter) %>%  #keep only column for the parameter you want to plot
    filter(results != "Not Applicable") %>% 
    count(results) %>%               #
    mutate(prop = prop.table(n), perc = paste0(round(prop * 100),"%"))

  values <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(parameter_df))
  labs <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(parameter_df))
  colors <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(parameter_df))
  for (i in seq_along(1:nrow(parameter_df))) {
    values[[i]] <- parameter_df$prop[[i]] * 100
    labs[[i]] <- parameter_df$perc[i]
    colors[[i]] <- color_code[[parameter_df$results[[i]]]]

  pie(x = values, labels = labs, col = colors, main = title,font=2,font.main=2)
  mtext("Figure 2.10:Assessment Results for Key Parameters Associated with Water Supply Use,\nPercent(%) of 826 AUs", side = 3, line = -4, outer = TRUE,font=2)

CairoPDF(file = "multiple_pie_plot_example", width = 11.5, height = 11) # <--- you probably will need to change the height and width.

m <- matrix(c(1,2,3,
              7,7,7), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
layout(mat = m, heights = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.1))  

par(mar = c(1,1,1,1))
pie_chart("Arsenic-HH", "Arsenic,Human Health")
pie_chart("Total Dissolved Solids","TDS")
pie_chart("Lead-HH - DWS", "Lead,Human Health")
pie_chart("Mercury-HH", "Mercury,Human Health")
pie_chart("DO Trout", " Nitrate") 
legend(x = "bottom",inset = 0,legend = c("Attaining","Insufficient Information","Non Attaining"), fill = c("#99FF99", "#FFFF99", "#FF9999"),border="#000000")


enter image description here


enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


par(oma = c(bottom, left, top, right))


如果您在顶部有空格,则可以使用title放置一些内容 - 选择outer = TRUE以获取该区域(而不是mtext)。

title("Figure 2.10:Assessment Results for Key Parameters Associated with Water Supply Use,\nPercent(%) of 826 AUs", side = 3, line = -4, outer = TRUE,font=2, outer = TRUE)


legend( ## previous stuff
  x = "bottom",inset = 0,legend = c("Attaining","Insufficient Information","Non Attaining"), fill = c("#99FF99", "#FFFF99", "#FF9999"),border="#000000",
  ## new stuff:
  horiz = TRUE, # switch to column format instead of rows
  cex = 1.1, # scaling factor for text (it might make things bigger, I'd play with it)
  bty = "n"  # removes the box around the legend.  

如果图例太小,您可能需要在那里玩一些东西。 (当我的数字和图例太小时,我通常只会将pdf缩小。我不知道它是否被视为黑客攻击,但它通常有效!)



title(your_individual_title, line = 1, outer = FALSE)



您的图例位于同一位置,因为您正在调用,这会创建一个空白图。然后,您将图例添加到空白图中。要获取所需的图例,请在底部外边距中创建空间,然后使用选项xpd = NA调用图例。这可以控制图例放置位置的限制。尝试使插入为负(你需要使用它才能正确)将图例放在你想要的位置。


 pie_chart <- function(parameter, title = parameter) {
  parameter_df <- parameter_results %>%
    select(results = parameter) %>%  #keep only column for the parameter you want to plot
    filter(results != "Not Applicable") %>% 
    count(results) %>%               #
    mutate(prop = prop.table(n), perc = paste0(round(prop * 100),"%"))
  color_code <- c("Attaining" = "#99FF99", "Insufficient Information" = "#FFFF99", "Non Attaining" =  "#FF9999")

  parameter_df <- parameter_results %>%
    select(results = parameter) %>%  #keep only column for the parameter you want to plot
    filter(results != "Not Applicable") %>% 
    count(results) %>%               #
    mutate(prop = prop.table(n), perc = paste0(round(prop * 100),"%"))

  values <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(parameter_df))
   labs <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(parameter_df))
   colors <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(parameter_df))
   for (i in seq_along(1:nrow(parameter_df))) {
     values[[i]] <- parameter_df$prop[[i]] * 100
     labs[[i]] <- parameter_df$perc[i]
     colors[[i]] <- color_code[[parameter_df$results[[i]]]]

  pie(x = values, labels = labs, col = colors)  # It doesn't look like this has an xlim or ylim option, so you're limited here.
  title(main = title, font = 2, font.main = 2, outer = FALSE, line = 1) # move all the info relating to the titles to this command.  

}     CairoPDF(file =“multiple_pie_plot_example”,width = 11.5,height = 11)#&lt; ---您可能需要更改高度和宽度。

m <- matrix(c(1,2,3,
              7,7,7), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
layout(mat = m, heights = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.1))  

par(mar = c(1,1,1,1), oma = c(4, 0, 4, 0)) # play with oma numbers
pie_chart("Arsenic-HH", "Arsenic,Human Health")
pie_chart("Total Dissolved Solids","TDS")
pie_chart("Lead-HH - DWS", "Lead,Human Health")
pie_chart("Mercury-HH", "Mercury,Human Health")
pie_chart("DO Trout", " Nitrate") 
legend(x = "bottom",inset = 0,legend = c("Attaining","Insufficient Information","Non Attaining"), fill = c("#99FF99", "#FFFF99", "#FF9999"),border="#000000")
