
时间:2018-04-03 14:35:33

标签: c++ visual-c++


Matrix3 m1, m2, m3
m2.setRotateX(3.98f); //values are not important just setting a value.

m1 = m2 * m3 

预期结果: m1被分配m2 * m3计算的结果。相反,它在创建时似乎仍被分配在内存中。

我在调试器中查看了它,并且operator *方法末尾的结果代码被分配给了正确的值,但由于某种原因它从未被分配。

我正在运行Visual Studio 2017(我尝试更新到最新版本)并且当前正在运行Debug x86配置文件。


以下是该课程的完整代码: matrix3.h

#pragma once
#include "vector3.h"

class Matrix3
            Vector3 xAxis;
            Vector3 yAxis;
            union {

                Vector3 zAxis;
                Vector3 translation;
        Vector3 axis[3];
        float data[3][3];
    static const Matrix3 identity;

    Matrix3(Vector3 x, Vector3 y, Vector3 z) : xAxis{ x }, yAxis{ y }, zAxis{ z } { }
    Matrix3(float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7, float f8, float f9) : data{ f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9 } {}
    Matrix3() : Matrix3{ identity } {}

    Matrix3(const Matrix3 &other)
        for (int i = 0; i > 3; i++)
            axis[i] = other.axis[i];

    Matrix3& operator= (const Matrix3& other);

    Vector3& operator[] (int index);
    const Vector3& operator[] (int index) const;
    Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3& other) const;
    Vector3 operator * (const Vector3& v) const;

    Matrix3 operator + (const Matrix3& other) const;
    Matrix3 operator - (const Matrix3& other) const;
    operator float*() { return reinterpret_cast<float*>(data); }

    Matrix3 transpose() const;

    void setScaled(float x, float y, float z);
    void setScaled(const Vector3& v);
    void scale(float x, float y, float z);
    void scale(const Vector3 v);

    void setRotateX(float radians);
    void setRotateY(float radians);
    void setRotateZ(float radians);

    void rotateX(float radians);
    void rotateY(float radians);
    void rotateZ(float radians);

    void setEuler(float pitch, float yaw, float roll);

    operator std::string() const;
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix3& matrix);


#include "Matrix3.h"

const Matrix3 Matrix3::identity = Matrix3({ 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 });
static const int MATRIX_DIMS = 3;

Vector3& Matrix3::operator[] (int index)
    return axis[index];

const Vector3& Matrix3::operator[] (int index) const
    return axis[index];

Matrix3& Matrix3::operator=(const Matrix3& other)
    xAxis = other.xAxis;
    yAxis = other.yAxis;
    zAxis = other.zAxis;

    return *this;

Matrix3 Matrix3::operator * (const Matrix3& other) const
    Matrix3 result;

    for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
            result.data[c][r] = data[0][r] * other.data[c][0] +
            data[1][r] * other.data[c][1] +
            data[2][r] * other.data[c][2];

    return result;

Vector3 Matrix3::operator * (const Vector3& v) const
    Vector3 result;

    for (int r = 0; r < 3; ++r)
        result[r] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_DIMS; ++i)
            result[r] += data[i][r] * v[i];

    return result;

Matrix3 Matrix3::operator+(const Matrix3& other) const
    Matrix3 result;

    for (int x = 0; x < MATRIX_DIMS; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < MATRIX_DIMS; y++)
            result[x][y] = data[x][y] + other[x][y];

    return result;

Matrix3 Matrix3::operator-(const Matrix3& other) const
    Matrix3 result;

    for (int x = 0; x < MATRIX_DIMS; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < MATRIX_DIMS; y++)
            result[x][y] = data[x][y] - other[x][y];

    return result;

Matrix3 Matrix3::transpose() const
    Matrix3 result;

    for (int r = 0; r < MATRIX_DIMS; ++r)
        for (int c = 0; c < MATRIX_DIMS; ++c)
            result.data[r][c] = data[c][r];

    return result;

void Matrix3::setScaled(const Vector3& v)
    // set scale of each axis
    xAxis = { v.x, 0, 0 };
    yAxis = { 0, v.y, 0 };
    zAxis = { 0, 0, v.z };

void Matrix3::setScaled(float x, float y, float z)
    // set scale of each axis
    xAxis = { x, 0, 0 };
    yAxis = { 0, y, 0 };
    zAxis = { 0, 0, z };

void Matrix3::scale(const Vector3 v)
    Matrix3 m;
    m.setScaled(v.x, v.y, v.z);

    *this = *this * m;

void Matrix3::scale(float x, float y, float z)
    Matrix3 m;
    m.setScaled(x, y, z);

    *this = *this * m;

void Matrix3::rotateX(float radians)
    Matrix3 m;

    *this = *this * m;

void Matrix3::rotateY(float radians)
    Matrix3 m;

    *this = *this * m;

void Matrix3::rotateZ(float radians)
    Matrix3 m;

    *this = *this * m;

void Matrix3::setRotateX(float radians)
    xAxis = { 1, 0, 0 };
    yAxis = { 0, cosf(radians), sinf(radians) };
    zAxis = { 0, -sinf(radians), cosf(radians) };

void Matrix3::setRotateY(float radians)
    xAxis = { cosf(radians), 0, -sinf(radians) };
    yAxis = { 0, 1, 0 };
    zAxis = { sinf(radians), 0, cosf(radians) };

void Matrix3::setRotateZ(float radians)
    xAxis = { cosf(radians), sinf(radians), 0 };
    yAxis = { -sinf(radians), cosf(radians), 0 };
    zAxis = { 0, 0, 1 };

void Matrix3::setEuler(float pitch, float yaw, float roll)
    Matrix3 x, y, z;

    *this = z * y * x;

Matrix3::operator std::string() const
    std::string result = "";

    for (int r = 0; r < MATRIX_DIMS; ++r)
        result += "{";
        for (int c = 0; c < MATRIX_DIMS; ++c)
            result += std::to_string(data[r][c]);

            if (r != MATRIX_DIMS - 1 || c != MATRIX_DIMS - 1)
                result += ",";
        result += "}";

    return result;


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix3& matrix)
    os << static_cast<std::string>(matrix);
    return os;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

提供的代码表现出未定义的行为。在c ++中,union中最多只有一个成员在任何时候都处于活动状态。只能读取union个活动成员。分配给union成员会使其处于活动状态,并使所有其他成员处于非活动状态。例如,如果您为identity.data分配了一个未定义的行为,则尝试从identity.axis读取,直到您为identity.axis分配值为止,之后您将无法再从{{1}读取}}。这与它在c中的工作方式不同。

通过致电identity.data,您可以为void Matrix3::setRotateX(float radians)的{​​{1}},unionxAxis成员分配值,从而制作yAxis组件zAxis有效。然后,当您将structunion相乘时,您调用m2,该m3Matrix3 Matrix3::operator * (const Matrix3& other) const的{​​{1}}成员中读取未激活的成员,从而导致未定义的行为
