PostgreSQL V10。 Python V3.6。代码在' INSTER INSERT'触发。
if not isinstance(vector, list):
print("Wrong input type for index {}: {}".format(i, vector))
似乎直截了当,但我找不到任何名为“' ts”的东西。我查看了可能由插入执行的所有相关代码。
这是该功能的相关部分。错误发生在' sellRslt ='行:
ERROR: spiexceptions.ExternalRoutineException: NameError: name 'ts' is not defined
Where: Traceback (most recent call last):
PL/Python function "trade_buy_after", line 30, in <module>
cashRslt[0]['symbol'], cashRslt[0]['price'], 0.00, tbRow['amount'], const['SW_OUT'], note]);
PL/Python function "trade_buy_after"
tbRow = TD['new'];
if tbRow['source_revenue_id'] == None:
_logger.debug("tb after: rev == None");
note = "Sweep-Out for purchase of " + str(tbRow['qty']) + " " + tbRow['symbol'] + " @ " + "${:<9.2f}".format(tbRow['price']);
cashRslt = plpy.execute(GD['get_cashSymbolAndCurrentPrice'], [tbRow['account_name']]);
_logger.debug("got cash data: " + cashRslt[0]['symbol'] + " ${:<9.2f}".format(cashRslt[0]['price']));
sellRslt = plpy.execute(GD['insert_trade_sell'], [tbRow['account_name'], tbRow['settlement_date'], tbRow['settlement_date'], tbRow['amount'] / cashRslt[0]['price'],
cashRslt[0]['symbol'], cashRslt[0]['price'], 0.00, tbRow['amount'], const['SW_OUT'], note]);
_logger.debug("tb done");
&#39; insert_trade_sell&#39;中的SQL从我的IDE执行正常。这是:
2018-04-02 14:27:11,933 [DEBUG ] plpy.tba : {'sys_upd_user': 'dba', 'note': 'Buy', 'sys_updated_ts': '2018-04-02 14:27:11.930796-04', 'sys_created_ts': '2018-04-02 14:27:11.930445-04', 'symbol': 'BLV',
'adjusted_price': Decimal('88.6590'), 'price': Decimal('88.5600'), 'source_revenue_id': None, 'qty_left': Decimal('100.0000'), 'settlement_date': '2016-01-30', 'amount': Decimal('8860.95'),
'qty': Decimal('100.0000'), 'account_name': 'VG Savings', 'lot': 4, 'fees': Decimal('4.95'), 'source_sell_id': None, 'trade_date': '2016-01-28'}
2018-04-02 14:27:11,933 [DEBUG ] plpy.tba : tb after: rev == None
2018-04-02 14:27:11,933 [DEBUG ] plpy.tba : Sweep-Out for purchase of 100.0000 BLV @ $88.56
2018-04-02 14:27:11,934 [DEBUG ] plpy.tba : got cash data: VMFXX $1.00