
时间:2018-04-02 17:04:46

标签: c while-loop stack stdin

我正在使用数组实现Stack数据结构。要在诸如Push或Pop或Exit from Program之类的堆栈上执行操作,我将以整数形式从用户那里获取输入(Say 1 for Push)。





//Main function

int main(){

STACK marks, roll_number;      //marks and roll_number are two stacks of type STACK

//Initialize both Stacks with required size
initStack(&marks, 10);
initStack(&roll_number, 10);

int choice, marks_data;

//Menu for user to choose from available operations
printf("1. Push\n");
printf("2. Pop\n");
printf("3. Exit\n");

//Taking user input for operations

    printf("Enter choice of Operation:\n");

    //Clearing standard input. Although not a best practice but implementing to
    //take user input
    // program is not stopping here and taking invalid choice
    //hence executing 'default statement' of switch case
    scanf("%d", &choice);


    case 1: printf("Enter Marks");
            scanf(" %d", &marks_data);
            push(&marks, marks_data);

    case 2: marks_data = pop(&marks);
            printf("Deleted Data : %d\n", marks_data);

    case 3: exit(0);

    default: printf("Invalid Choice of Operation !!\n");

    //using to clear \n character from user and taking valid input
    printf("Press Enter Key to continue...");
    while(getchar() != '\n')

    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


在您的情况下,您为scanf ("%d", ...)choice致电marks,但随后尝试通过以下方式控制您的循环执行:

printf("Press Enter Key to continue...");
while(getchar() != '\n')

作为优秀的scanf会计师,您知道使用'%d' 格式说明符阅读会读取stdin到第一个非数字的数字数字字符并终止读取,使stdin中的非数字字符保持未读。 (假设在choicemark之后没有输入任何杂散字符),这将是您在上次输入后按 Enter 生成的'\n'字符。

当您测试while(getchar() != '\n')时,第一个字符可能是'\n'字符,导致您的循环测试 TRUE 并跳过getchar()内的getchar()调用循环。


下一个fflush(stdin)几乎是除了Windows之外的所有系统的未定义行为。在Linux上,stdin已定义,但仅适用于可搜索流 - 仅当文件已重定向到您的程序时才适用于stdin./yourexe < somefile.txt ,例如


否则未定义stdin。所以你必须问自己 - 除了stdin因为重定向而导致> views > layouts - _pwa.html.erb # single layout for all steps > orders > optionA - _place_A.html.erb # unique content for a shared view file that is further shared across options - flow_layout.html.erb # iterator that pulls in views from the various pages relevant to this option from shared_views folder > optionB - _place_B.html.erb # unique content for a shared view file that is further shared across options - flow_layout.html.erb # iterator that pulls in views from the various pages relevant to this option from shared_views folder > shared_views > views - _open.html.erb # unique content for a given page - _place_A.html.erb # unique content for a given page - _place_B.html.erb # unique content for a given page > layouts - _place.html.erb # similar content for a page that's different than other pages (i.e., open and place are different pages), but with elements shared across options (i.e., place_A and place_B have a lot of sharing) 之外的所有东西都是不可移植的 - &#34;在任何地方使用都是不错的做法?&#34;和&#34;如何强制用户将文件重定向到<!-- shared layout file: layouts/_pwa.html.erb --> <%= render "/layouts/navbar", progress_counter: @pages.count %> <div class="container-fluid zero-padding non-navbar"> <div class="row-fluid "> <%= yield %> <!-- main content, varies for each of X pages --> </div> <div class="row-fluid troubleshooter_title"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h4 class="cursor-point underline text-center"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"></span> <%= troubleshooter_title %> <!-- named content varies for each of X pages --> </h4> </div> </div> <%= yield :troubleshooter_content %> <!-- named content varies for each of X pages --> </div> # Orders Controller file for 2 set of steps (optionA vs optionB) # as implied below, "place_A" and "place_B" are VERY similar, with a few tweaks def optionA # second element of inner array stores other info not relevant to this answer here @pages = [ ["open"], ["place_A"], ] render "#{action_name}/flow_layout" end def optionB @pages = [ ["place_B"], ] render "#{action_name}/flow_layout" end <!-- flow_layout as rendered by controller --> <!-- optionA/flow_layout.html.erb --> <%= render layout: "layouts/pwa", locals: {troubleshooter_title: "Having trouble?" } do %> <% @pages.each do |p| %> <%= render "shared_views/views/#{p[0]}" %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- optionA/flow_layout.html.erb --> <%= render layout: "layouts/pwa", locals: {troubleshooter_title: "How it works" } do %> <% @pages.each do |p| %> <%= render "shared_views/views/#{p[0]}" %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- above note one important fact, I wanted the troubleshooter_title to CHANGE between optionA & optionB --> <!-- shared_view partials --> <!-- shared_views/views/_open.html.erb --> <!-- first div goes into main yield --> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h1>Open the door</h1> </div> <% content_for :troubleshooter_content do %> Try pushing instead of pulling <% end %> <!-- shared_views/views/_place_A.html.erb --> <!-- given the fact that place_A and place_B are very similar, there's a nesting here of a place layout file that holds all the commonalities. the minor differences are placed with the optionA view folder itself --> <%= render layout: "shared_views/layouts/place" do %> <%= render "optionA/place_A" %> <% end %> <!-- shared_views/views/_place_B.html.erb --> <!-- same as above --> <%= render layout: "shared_views/layouts/place" do %> <%= render "optionB/place_B" %> <% end %> <!-- place layout --> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h1><%= yield %></h1> </div> <% content_for :troubleshooter_content do %> <%= yield :nested_troubleshooter_content %> <% end %> <!-- optionA/_place_A.html.erb --> Place A: put on table <% content_for :nested_troubleshooter_content %> Table is directly in front of you <% end %> <!-- optionB/_place_B.html.erb --> Place B: put on rug <% content_for :nested_troubleshooter_content %> Rug is to the right of you <% end %> ?&#34; (你不能)。所以最好避免一路走来。
