python - 将字符串附加到列表非类型错误

时间:2018-04-02 08:10:15

标签: python list append

我正在编写一个刽子手游戏,我想将用户输入的字符添加到猜测列表中。 (忽略无错误检查)。然而,我继续让这很烦人 - "属性错误:' NoneType'对象没有属性'追加' &#34 ;.

我的代码在while循环中抛出guessList []上的错误。

import random

      "jellybeans","coffee","laboratory","disneyland","library", "freedom",
      "happiness", "majority", "vexing", "undulation", "periphery", "exultant",
      "jeering", "trampoline","weirdo","blondie","bowtie","controller","completion"]
index=random.randint(0, len(wordlist) - 1) #selects a random integer from range of list
#declaring variables
maxGuesses = len(correctword) + 5
guessCounter = 0
sofar= []
win = False 
wordLetters = 0
whileloop = False
mainLoop = True
guessList = []

for char in correctword:
    sofar.append("_") #makes the list have only Dashes
    wordLetters = wordLetters + 1
#display the length of wordlist (done in loops)
# print(sofar)
# print(" ".join(sofar)) #joins the elements in sofar into a string

print("Hangman game! Let's begin")

def findInd(string, char):
    return [i for i, letter in enumerate(string) if letter == char]
    #This will be called to find all indexes of letter in CorrectWord. 

def find_letter(list):
    if not list:          
        return 0

    elif list[0] == l:  #check first element here for guessed letter
        return True

    elif find_letter(list[1:]):  # checked the first element, skip it and return the other elements of the list
        return True

        return False

while (mainLoop == True):
    print ('The word to guess: ',  " ".join(sofar), wordLetters, "letters long")
    letter = raw_input("guess a letter: ")
    guessCounter = guessCounter +1

    l = letter
    if (find_letter(guessList) == True):
        print("You already guessed that letter!")
        guessCounter = guessCounter -1
        guessList.append(letter) #Here is where it declares "NonType Error"

    for char in correctword:
        if letter == char:
            print ("good guess")
            whileloop = True
            mainLoop = True

    if whileloop == False:
        print ("That letter is not in the word! Guess again. \n")
        mainLoop = True

    #will skip this loop if letter is wrong
    while (whileloop == True):
        for num in (findInd(correctword, letter)): #returns list of indexes
            sofar[num] = letter #Replaces the places in sofar with char
        whileloop = False;  
            #if (letter == char): 
            #index = correctword.find(letter)
            #sofar[index] = letter


    count = sofar.count("_")

    if count == 0:
        win = True
        break #exits the main while loop

    guessList = guessList.sort()
    print ("you have guessed these letters: ", guessList)
    print ("Guesses left: ", (maxGuesses-guessCounter))
    if guessCounter == maxGuesses:
        break #User has used all the guesses and not won.

#outside of While loop

if win == True:
    print ("CONGRADULATIONS! You won. The word was ", correctword)
    print (" Thanks for playing")
    print ("heh you lose... Try again some time")

它指向" guessList.append(letter)"行。它必须返回none,因为当我打印guessList时,我没有。但我没有做经典的guessList = guessList.append(字母)。另外,奇怪的是,它会运行一次打印guessList = None,然后第二次(当它检查guessList中的字符重复时它会崩溃。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据@Daniel对你的问题的评论。如果你没有声明变量,你将获得NameError。据我说,你已经宣布guessList为全局变量。有时python无法正确识别global variables。因此,您需要使用global关键字在函数中指定它是全局变量。

所以你的代码应该在这个函数中有global guessList

def main():
    global guessList
    while (mainLoop == True):
       print ('The word to guess: ',  " ".join(sofar), wordLetters, "letters long")
       letter = raw_input("guess a letter: ")
       guessCounter = guessCounter +1
       l = letter
       if (find_letter(guessList) == True):
            print("You already guessed that letter!")
            guessCounter = guessCounter -1


  1. 您可能已将guessList初始化为None。我重新分配为guessList=[]
  2. 您可能没有从模块导入变量,如果您使用多个模块并互相引用。如果是这样,
    • 将其导入为from module import guessList
    • 将其导入import module并用作module.guessList
  3. 如果是这样,您可能没有声明和定义变量,并将其定义为guessList=[]

答案 1 :(得分:0)


guessList = guessList.sort()
