我有一个django网络应用程序,正在使用Django Cookiecutter。
I looked into the domain, , and I think I see something that may be causing issues. The domain's HSTS setting is set to 60 seconds. After 60 seconds the domain's HTTP to HTTPS rewrite expires and allows the user to load our tracking links successfully.
At this time Mailgun does not support HSTS nor do we have any workarounds when using HSTS with our tracking features.
If the tracking cookie (anything after /c/ in the URL) wasn't generated by the domain in the URL, the link will not resolve. Previously, we allowed the redirect to occur, which got us into hot water with Google & Norton in the past.
It is extremely important that we do this because a phishing campaign could derail someone like Paypal. Imagine if you crafted a phishing link using a bogus Mailgun domain, then took that rewritten URL cookie and replaced it with "email.paypal.com". It would look super legit, would be serving up a phishing page, and would harm Paypal's reputation.
For customers using HSTS on their domain, it is recommended that they use a different domain with HSTS disabled.
This is a Scenario from one of our Devs:
Say a customer is rewriting HTTPS links through Mailgun, for tracking purposes. If that HTTPS server, for which Mailgun is redirecting to, has HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) enabled, with “includeSubDomains” defined, Chrome will not redirect and instead throw an SSL error. At first, I thought this was a bug in Chrome, because it pre-fetches the redirect… But it turns out the RFC states that if a User Agent is aware of the HSTS preference on the root domain the User Agent should enforce HSTS until the TTL expires. Solution? There is none. Unless they want to remove “includeSubDomains” and let the TTL expire. Here’s what the header looks like on a host with HSTS enabled:
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
这是由Django allauth处理的。他们应该可以选择通过覆盖ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL将activation_url设置为https。可以看到此设置的详细信息allauth doc here。
。这不起作用,我在我的.env文件中尝试了它,并在我的设置中也包含了变量。试图设置一个环境变量,如this StackOverflow post中建议的那样,已经解决了#34;几年前。但是,代码似乎已经改变了。
如果我能提供更多细节,我很乐意这样做 - 请告诉我。