将Matlab转换为Python代码 - DOSNES算法

时间:2018-03-31 11:19:30

标签: python python-3.x matlab numpy

我试图从this publication实现DOSNES算法,但是在Python中实现项目。我发现this Matlab Implementation效果很好,但我可能误解了我的代码中的一个或多个步骤(主要是我猜的轴),因为我显然没有达到相同的结果。这是我在Matlab中挣扎的部分:

P(1:n + 1:end) = 0;                                 % set diagonal to zero
P = 0.5 * (P + P');                                '% symmetrize P-values
P = max(P ./ sum(P(:)), realmin);                   % make sure P-values sum to one

const = sum(P(:) .* log(P(:)));                     % constant in KL divergence

ydata = .0001 * randn(n, no_dims);

y_incs  = zeros(size(ydata));
gains = ones(size(ydata));

% Run the iterations
for iter=1:max_iter

    % Compute joint probability that point i and j are neighbors
    sum_ydata = sum(ydata .^ 2, 2);
    num = 1 ./ (1 + bsxfun(@plus, sum_ydata, bsxfun(@plus, sum_ydata', -2 * (ydata * ydata')))); % Student-t distribution
    num(1:n+1:end) = 0;                                                 % set diagonal to zero
    Q = max(num ./ sum(num(:)), realmin);                               % normalize to get probabilities

    % Compute the gradients (faster implementation)
    L = (P - Q) .* num;
    y_grads = 4 * (diag(sum(L, 1)) - L) * ydata;

    % Update the solution
    gains = (gains + .2) .* (sign(y_grads) ~= sign(y_incs)) ...         % note that the y_grads are actually -y_grads
          + (gains * .8) .* (sign(y_grads) == sign(y_incs));
    gains(gains < min_gain) = min_gain;
    y_incs = momentum * y_incs - epsilon * (gains .* y_grads);
    ydata = ydata + y_incs;

    % Spherical projection
    ydata = bsxfun(@minus, ydata, mean(ydata, 1));        
    r_mean = mean(sqrt(sum(ydata.^2,2)),1);
    ydata = bsxfun(@times, ydata, r_mean./ sqrt(sum(ydata.^2,2)) );

    % Update the momentum if necessary
    if iter == mom_switch_iter
        momentum = final_momentum;

    % Print out progress
    if ~rem(iter, 10)
        cost = const - sum(P(:) .* log(Q(:)));
        disp(['Iteration ' num2str(iter) ': error is ' num2str(cost)]);



no_dims = 3
n = X.shape[0]
min_gain = 0.01
momentum = 0.5
final_momentum = 0.8
epsilon = 500
mom_switch_iter = 250
max_iter = 1000

P[np.diag_indices_from(P)] = 0.

P = ( P + P.T )/2

P = np.max(P / np.sum(P), axis=0)

const = np.sum( P * np.log(P) )

ydata = 1e-4 * np.random.random(size=(n, no_dims))

y_incs  = np.zeros(shape=ydata.shape)
gains = np.ones(shape=ydata.shape)

for iter in range(max_iter):
    sum_ydata = np.sum(ydata**2, axis = 1)

    bsxfun_1 = sum_ydata.T + -2*np.dot(ydata, ydata.T)
    bsxfun_2 = sum_ydata + bsxfun_1
    num = 1. / ( 1 + bsxfun_2 )

    num[np.diag_indices_from(num)] = 0.

    Q = np.max(num / np.sum(num), axis=0)

    L = (P - Q) * num

    t =  np.diag( L.sum(axis=0) ) - L
    y_grads = 4 * np.dot( t , ydata )

    gains = (gains + 0.2) * ( np.sign(y_grads) != np.sign(y_incs) ) \
          + (gains * 0.8) * ( np.sign(y_grads) == np.sign(y_incs) )

    # gains[np.where(np.sign(y_grads) != np.sign(y_incs))] += 0.2
    # gains[np.where(np.sign(y_grads) == np.sign(y_incs))] *= 0.8

    gains = np.clip(gains, a_min = min_gain, a_max = None)

    y_incs = momentum * y_incs - epsilon * gains * y_grads
    ydata += y_incs

    ydata -= ydata.mean(axis=0)

    alpha = np.sqrt(np.sum(ydata ** 2, axis=1))
    r_mean = np.mean(alpha)
    ydata = ydata * (r_mean / alpha).reshape(-1, 1)

    if iter == mom_switch_iter:
        momentum = final_momentum

    if iter % 10 == 0:
        cost = const - np.sum( P * np.log(Q) )
        print( "Iteration {} : error is {}".format(iter, cost) )

如果您想进行试验,可以下载使用Iris数据集和附加库的存储库here test.py 是我使用Iris数据集的测试实现, visu.py 是该论文对MNIST数据集的结果,但限制为1000k随机点。





P[np.diag_indices_from(P)] = 0.

P = ( P + P.T )/2

P = P / np.sum(P)

const = np.sum(xlogy(P, P))

ydata = 1e-4 * np.random.random(size=(n, no_dims))

y_incs  = np.zeros(shape=ydata.shape)
gains = np.ones(shape=ydata.shape)

for iter in range(max_iter):
    sum_ydata = np.sum(ydata**2, axis = 1)

    bsxfun_1 = sum_ydata.T + -2*np.dot(ydata, ydata.T)
    bsxfun_2 = sum_ydata + bsxfun_1
    num = 1. / ( 1 + bsxfun_2 )

    num[np.diag_indices_from(num)] = 0.
    Q = num / np.sum(num)

    L = (P - Q) * num

    t =  np.diag( L.sum(axis=0) ) - L
    y_grads = 4 * np.dot( t , ydata )

    gains = (gains + 0.2) * ( np.sign(y_grads) != np.sign(y_incs) ) \
          + (gains * 0.8) * ( np.sign(y_grads) == np.sign(y_incs) )

    gains = np.clip(gains, a_min = min_gain, a_max = None)

    y_incs = momentum * y_incs - epsilon * gains * y_grads
    ydata += y_incs

    ydata -= ydata.mean(axis=0)

    alpha = np.sqrt(np.sum(ydata ** 2, axis=1))
    r_mean = np.mean(alpha)
    ydata = ydata * (r_mean / alpha).reshape(-1, 1)

    if iter == mom_switch_iter:
        momentum = final_momentum

    if iter % 10 == 0:
        cost = const - np.sum( xlogy(P, Q) )
        print( "Iteration {} : error is {}".format(iter, cost) )

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


然而,我的建议是完全忽略max,因为它看起来非常像是一种业余的尝试,只是通过采取p log p来回避0被定义的问题。使用L'Hopital规则的限制p->0可以显示为0,而当被要求计算NaN时,计算机将返回0 * log(0)
