干杯, 克里斯
答案 0 :(得分:0)
1 /对每个组件进行边界框检查:
2 /从那里有3种可能性:
a / component边界框位于您的框内 - >在里面,完成了
b /组件边界框位于您的框外 - >外面,完成
c /组件边界框与您的框相交 - >需要更精细的检查, 迭代组件的顶点并检查每个顶点是否在内部或 外。可能很昂贵,具体取决于几何形状
Custom Window Selection in the Forge Viewer - Part I
Custom Window Selection in the Forge Viewer - Part II
Custom Window Selection in the Forge Viewer - Part III
// SelectSet util for Selection Window in Forge Viewer
// By Philippe Leefsma, September 2017
import geometryIntersectsBox3 from './GeometryIntersectsBox3'
import Toolkit from 'Viewer.Toolkit'
export default class SelectSet {
constructor (viewer) {
this.viewer = viewer
// Set model: required to compute the bounding boxes
async setModel (model) {
this.model = model
const instanceTree = model.getData().instanceTree
const rootId = instanceTree.getRootId()
const bbox =
await this.getComponentBoundingBox(
model, rootId)
this.boundingSphere = bbox.getBoundingSphere()
const leafIds = await Toolkit.getLeafNodes (model)
this.boundingBoxInfo = leafIds.map((dbId) => {
const bbox = this.getLeafComponentBoundingBox(
model, dbId)
return {
// Returns bounding box as it appears in the viewer
// (transformations could be applied)
getModifiedWorldBoundingBox (fragIds, fragList) {
const fragbBox = new THREE.Box3()
const nodebBox = new THREE.Box3()
fragIds.forEach(function(fragId) {
fragList.getWorldBounds(fragId, fragbBox)
return nodebBox
// Returns bounding box for fragment list
async getComponentBoundingBox (model, dbId) {
const fragIds = await Toolkit.getFragIds(
model, dbId)
const fragList = model.getFragmentList()
return this.getModifiedWorldBoundingBox(
fragIds, fragList)
getLeafComponentBoundingBox (model, dbId) {
const fragIds = Toolkit.getLeafFragIds(
model, dbId)
const fragList = model.getFragmentList()
return this.getModifiedWorldBoundingBox(
fragIds, fragList)
// Creates Raycaster object from the mouse pointer
pointerToRay (pointer) {
const camera = this.viewer.navigation.getCamera()
const pointerVector = new THREE.Vector3()
const rayCaster = new THREE.Raycaster()
const pointerDir = new THREE.Vector3()
const domElement = this.viewer.canvas
const rect = domElement.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = ((pointer.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width) * 2 - 1
const y = -((pointer.clientY - rect.top) / rect.height) * 2 + 1
if (camera.isPerspective) {
pointerVector.set(x, y, 0.5)
} else {
pointerVector.set(x, y, -15)
pointerDir.set(0, 0, -1)
return rayCaster.ray
// Returns true if the box is contained inside the
// closed volume defined by the the input planes
containsBox (planes, box) {
const {min, max} = box
const vertices = [
new THREE.Vector3(min.x, min.y, min.z),
new THREE.Vector3(min.x, min.y, max.z),
new THREE.Vector3(min.x, max.y, max.z),
new THREE.Vector3(max.x, max.y, max.z),
new THREE.Vector3(max.x, max.y, min.z),
new THREE.Vector3(max.x, min.y, min.z),
new THREE.Vector3(min.x, max.y, min.z),
new THREE.Vector3(max.x, min.y, max.z)
for (let vertex of vertices) {
for (let plane of planes) {
if (plane.distanceToPoint(vertex) < 0) {
return false
return true
// Returns true if at least one vertex is contained in
// closed volume defined by the the input planes
containsVertex (planes, vertices) {
for (let vertex of vertices) {
let isInside = true
for (let plane of planes) {
if (plane.distanceToPoint(vertex) < 0) {
isInside = false
if (isInside) {
return true
return false
// Returns the oriented camera plane
getCameraPlane () {
const camera = this.viewer.navigation.getCamera()
const normal = camera.target.clone().sub(
const pos = camera.position
const dist =
- normal.x * pos.x
- normal.y * pos.y
- normal.z * pos.z
return new THREE.Plane (normal, dist)
// Creates pyramid geometry to perform tri-box
// intersection analysis
createPyramidGeometry (vertices) {
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry()
geometry.vertices = vertices
geometry.faces = [
new THREE.Face3(0, 1, 2),
new THREE.Face3(0, 2, 3),
new THREE.Face3(1, 0, 4),
new THREE.Face3(2, 1, 4),
new THREE.Face3(3, 2, 4),
new THREE.Face3(0, 3, 4)
return geometry
// Determine if the bounding boxes are
// inside, outside or intersect with the selection window
filterBoundingBoxes (planes, vertices, partialSelect) {
const geometry = this.createPyramidGeometry(vertices)
const intersect = []
const outside = []
const inside = []
for (let bboxInfo of this.boundingBoxInfo) {
// if bounding box inside, then we can be sure
// the mesh is inside too
if (this.containsBox (planes, bboxInfo.bbox)) {
} else if (partialSelect) {
// otherwise need a more precise tri-box
// analysis to determine if the bbox intersect
// the pyramid geometry
const intersects = geometryIntersectsBox3(
geometry, bboxInfo.bbox)
? intersect.push(bboxInfo)
: outside.push(bboxInfo)
} else {
return {
// Runs the main logic of the select set:
// computes a pyramid shape from the selection window
// corners and determines enclosed meshes from the model
compute (pointer1, pointer2, partialSelect) {
// build 4 rays to project the 4 corners
// of the selection window
const xMin = Math.min(pointer1.clientX, pointer2.clientX)
const xMax = Math.max(pointer1.clientX, pointer2.clientX)
const yMin = Math.min(pointer1.clientY, pointer2.clientY)
const yMax = Math.max(pointer1.clientY, pointer2.clientY)
const ray1 = this.pointerToRay({
clientX: xMin,
clientY: yMin
const ray2 = this.pointerToRay({
clientX: xMax,
clientY: yMin
const ray3 = this.pointerToRay({
clientX: xMax,
clientY: yMax
const ray4 = this.pointerToRay({
clientX: xMin,
clientY: yMax
// first we compute the top of the pyramid
const top = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)
top.add (ray1.origin)
top.add (ray2.origin)
top.add (ray3.origin)
top.add (ray4.origin)
// we use the bounding sphere to determine
// the height of the pyramid
const {center, radius} = this.boundingSphere
// compute distance from pyramid top to center
// of bounding sphere
const dist = new THREE.Vector3(
top.x - center.x,
top.y - center.y,
top.z - center.z)
// compute height of the pyramid:
// to make sure we go far enough,
// we add the radius of the bounding sphere
const height = radius + dist.length()
// compute the length of the side edges
const angle = ray1.direction.angleTo(
const length = height / Math.cos(angle * 0.5)
// compute bottom vertices
const v1 = new THREE.Vector3(
ray1.origin.x + ray1.direction.x * length,
ray1.origin.y + ray1.direction.y * length,
ray1.origin.z + ray1.direction.z * length)
const v2 = new THREE.Vector3(
ray2.origin.x + ray2.direction.x * length,
ray2.origin.y + ray2.direction.y * length,
ray2.origin.z + ray2.direction.z * length)
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3(
ray3.origin.x + ray3.direction.x * length,
ray3.origin.y + ray3.direction.y * length,
ray3.origin.z + ray3.direction.z * length)
const v4 = new THREE.Vector3(
ray4.origin.x + ray4.direction.x * length,
ray4.origin.y + ray4.direction.y * length,
ray4.origin.z + ray4.direction.z * length)
// create planes
const plane1 = new THREE.Plane()
const plane2 = new THREE.Plane()
const plane3 = new THREE.Plane()
const plane4 = new THREE.Plane()
const plane5 = new THREE.Plane()
plane1.setFromCoplanarPoints(top, v1, v2)
plane2.setFromCoplanarPoints(top, v2, v3)
plane3.setFromCoplanarPoints(top, v3, v4)
plane4.setFromCoplanarPoints(top, v4, v1)
plane5.setFromCoplanarPoints( v3, v2, v1)
const planes = [
plane1, plane2,
plane3, plane4,
const vertices = [
v1, v2, v3, v4, top
// filter all bounding boxes to determine
// if inside, outside or intersect
const result = this.filterBoundingBoxes(
planes, vertices, partialSelect)
// all inside bboxes need to be part of the selection
const dbIdsInside = result.inside.map((bboxInfo) => {
return bboxInfo.dbId
// if partialSelect = true
// we need to return the intersect bboxes
if (partialSelect) {
const dbIdsIntersect = result.intersect.map((bboxInfo) => {
return bboxInfo.dbId
// At this point perform a finer analysis
// to determine if the any of the mesh vertices are inside
// or outside the selection window but it would
// be a much more expensive computation
//const dbIdsIntersectAccurate =
// dbIdsIntersect.filter((dbId) => {
// const geometry =
// Toolkit.buildComponentGeometry(
// this.viewer, this.viewer.model, dbId)
// return this.containsVertex(
// planes, geometry.vertices)
// })
return [...dbIdsInside, ...dbIdsIntersect]
return dbIdsInside