
时间:2018-03-29 20:14:23

标签: haskell ghc


home/kadhem/projects/Haskell/stackWorkingAgain/app/Implementation_error.hs:24:96: error:
    * Couldn't match type `x1' with `x'
      `x1' is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          Impure :: forall (r :: [* -> *]) a x.
                    Union r x -> (x -> Eff r a) -> Eff r a,
        in an equation for `createInterpreter'
        at /home/kadhem/projects/Haskell/stackWorkingAgain/app/Implementation_error.hs:22:59-68
      `x' is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          createInterpreter :: forall a (r :: [* -> *]) b (f :: * -> *) x.
                               (a -> Eff r b)
                               -> (f x -> (x -> Eff (f : r) a) -> Eff (f : r) a)
                               -> (Eff r b -> Eff r b)
                               -> Eff (f : r) a
                               -> Eff r b
        at /home/kadhem/projects/Haskell/stackWorkingAgain/app/Implementation_error.hs:(15,1)-(18,47)
      Expected type: f x
        Actual type: f x1
    * In the first argument of `runContinuation', namely



{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE  DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE  FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Implemntation where

import Data.OpenUnion (Union , decomp)

data Eff r a where 
   Pure :: a -> Eff r a
   Impure ::  Union r x -> (x -> Eff r a) -> Eff r a

createInterpreter :: (a -> Eff r b)
                  -> (f x -> (x -> Eff (f ': r) a) -> Eff (f ': r) a)
                  -> (Eff r b -> Eff r b) 
                  -> Eff (f ': r) a -> Eff r b

createInterpreter handlePure runContinuation applyEffect (Pure a) = 
      handlePure a
createInterpreter handlePure runContinuation applyEffect (Impure f k) 
      = case decomp f of
Right f_is_theTarget
     -> applyEffect $ createInterpreter handlePure runContinuation 
           applyEffect (runContinuation f_is_theTarget k)
Left f_is_notTheTarget
     -> Impure f_is_notTheTarget $ createInterpreter handlePure 
           runContinuation applyEffect  . k 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



Impure ::  Union r x -> (x -> Eff r a) -> Eff r a

请注意,此类x不会在Eff r a中结束,从而使该类型成为"存在主义"之一。


createInterpreter :: (a -> Eff r b)
                  -> (f x -> (x -> Eff (f ': r) a) -> Eff (f ': r) a)
                  -> (Eff r b -> Eff r b) 
                  -> Eff (f ': r) a -> Eff r b



createInterpreter handlePure runContinuation applyEffect (Impure f k)



createInterpreter :: (a -> Eff r b)
                  -> (forall x. f x -> (x -> Eff (f ': r) a) -> Eff (f ': r) a)
                  -> (Eff r b -> Eff r b) 
                  -> Eff (f ': r) a -> Eff r b

这将迫使您稍后传递一个多态 runContinuation函数,该函数适用于任何可能找到的x"内部" Impure


data SomeList where
   SL :: [x] -> SomeList

sumIntList :: [Int] -> Int
sumIntList = sum

workWithSL :: ([x] -> Int) -> SomeList -> Int
workWithSL f (SL list) = f list

test :: Int
test = workWithSL sumIntList (SL [True, False])

此处,我们在调用x = Bool时选择SL,但在调用x = Int时我们选择workWithSL(因为我们通过了sumIntList)。这种调用没有任何问题,因为类型完全检查。真正的问题是在workWithSL内,f无法应用list,因为list可能属于[x1]而不是[x]