帮助请解决问题。 有: RabbitMQ - 3.7.2 Erlang - 20.1
disk_free_limit.absolute = 5GB
log.default.level = warning
log.file.level = warning
11:42:16.000 [warning] <0.32.0> lager_error_logger_h dropped 105 messages in the last second that exceeded the limit of 100 messages/sec
11:42:17.000 [warning] <0.32.0> lager_error_logger_h dropped 101 messages in the last second that exceeded the limit of 100 messages/sec
11:42:18.000 [warning] <0.32.0> lager_error_logger_h dropped 177 messages in the last second that exceeded the limit of 100 messages/sec
答案 0 :(得分:3)
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该消息表示RabbitMQ正在生成大量错误消息,并且它们被丢弃以避免快速填充日志。如果&#34;在最后一秒丢弃X消息&#34;是您在日志中看到的 only 消息,您需要确定要删除的消息以找到问题的根源。您可以通过运行以下命令暂时提高该限制来执行此操作:
rabbitmqctl eval '[lager:set_loghwm(H, 250) || H <- gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event)].'
rabbitmqctl eval '[lager:set_loghwm(H, 50) || H <- gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event)].'