
时间:2018-03-28 12:11:38

标签: c#

尝试解决另一个SO question,我提出了以下算法,我认为这个算法非常优化。但是,在所有解决方案上运行DotNetBenchmark时,我感到非常惊讶的是,我的代码运行的平均值387 ms高达~ 20-30 ms,其他一些答案实现了[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] int CalcMe(string input) // I used Marc Gravel's input generation method { var operands = input.Split(' '); var j = 1; // operators index var result = int.Parse(operands[0]); // output // i = numbers index for (int i = 2; i < operands.Length; i += 2) { switch (operands[j]) { case "+": result += int.Parse(operands[i]); break; case "-": result -= int.Parse(operands[i]); break; case "*": result *= int.Parse(operands[i]); break; case "/": try { result /= int.Parse(operands[i]); break; } catch { break; // division by 0. } default: throw new Exception("Unknown Operator"); } j += 2; // next operator } return result; }


只需将Main()提取到调用者110 ms方法,我就将执行速度降低到switch,但由于所有其他答案都直接处理输入,因此仍无法解决问题。

我只是想了解或许改变我对优化的思考方式。我看不到任何我只使用的关键字。 forint.Parse()static string GenerateInput() { Random rand = new Random(12345); StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder(); string operators = "+-*/"; var lastOperator = '+'; for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { var @operator = operators[rand.Next(0, 4)]; input.Append(rand.Next(lastOperator == '/' ? 1 : 0, 100) + " " + @operator + " "); lastOperator = @operator; } input.Append(rand.Next(0, 100)); return input.ToString(); } 几乎都是其他解决方案。

编辑1:测试输入生成 输入生成从原始quetsion上的Marc回复复制如下:

exec dbms_output.enable(32767);
set serveroutput on
    data_buffer VARCHAR2(32767);
    SELECT '<BGN>' || CLOBDATA_VALUE || '<END>' into data_buffer 
    when no_data_found then
    dbms_output.put_line('<BGN>no rows selected<END>');

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



var operands = input.Split(' ');


switch (operands[j])






[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
internal unsafe static Int32 ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) {

    Byte * numberBufferBytes = stackalloc Byte[NumberBuffer.NumberBufferBytes];
    NumberBuffer number = new NumberBuffer(numberBufferBytes);
    Int32 i = 0;

    StringToNumber(s, style, ref number, info, false);

    if ((style & NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) != 0) {
        if (!HexNumberToInt32(ref number, ref i)) { 
            throw new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString("Overflow_Int32"));
    else {
        if (!NumberToInt32(ref number, ref i)) {
            throw new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString("Overflow_Int32"));
    return i;           

[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
private unsafe static void StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, ref NumberBuffer number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) {

    if (str == null) {
        throw new ArgumentNullException("String");
    Contract.Assert(info != null, "");
    fixed (char* stringPointer = str) {
        char * p = stringPointer;
        if (!ParseNumber(ref p, options, ref number, null, info , parseDecimal) 
                || (p - stringPointer < str.Length && !TrailingZeros(str, (int)(p - stringPointer)))) {
            throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));

答案 1 :(得分:1)



switch (operands[j])
    case "+":
switch (cOperator)
    case '+':

答案 2 :(得分:0)

有趣的问题!我有兴趣为自己实现这个,并检查我能想出什么,以及它与其他实现的比较。我在F#中做到了,但由于F#和C#都是强类型的CLR语言,并且下面获得的见解(可以说)独立于C#,我希望你们同意以下内容并不完全偏离主题。 / p>


module Testbed =
    let private mkTestCase (n : int) =
        let next (r : System.Random) i = r.Next (0, i)
        let r = System.Random ()
        let s = System.Text.StringBuilder n
        let ops = "+-*/"
        (s.Append (next r 100), {1 .. n})
        ||> Seq.fold (fun s _ ->
            let nx = next r 100
            let op = ops.[next r (if nx = 0 then 3 else 4)]
            s.Append (" " + string op + " " + string nx))
        |> string

    let private stopwatch n f =
        let mutable r = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
        let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ()
        sw.Start ()
        for i = 1 to n do r <- f ()
        sw.Stop ()
        (r, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / int64 n)

    let runtests tests =
        let s, t = stopwatch 100 (fun () -> mkTestCase 1000000)
        stdout.Write ("MKTESTCASE\nTime: {0}ms\n", t)
        tests |> List.iter (fun (name : string, f) ->
            let r, t = stopwatch 100 (fun () -> f s)
            let w = "{0} ({1} chars)\nResult: {2}\nTime: {3}ms\n"
            stdout.Write (w, name, s.Length, r, t))



module MethodsToTest =
    let calc_MBD1 (s : string) =
        let inline runop f a b =
            match f with
            | "+" -> a + b
            | "-" -> a - b
            | "*" -> a * b
            | "/" -> a / b
            | _ -> failwith "illegal op"
        let rec loop (ops : string []) r i j =
            if i >= ops.Length then r else
                let n = int ops.[i]
                loop ops (runop ops.[j] r n) (i + 2) (j + 2)
        let ops = s.Split ' '
        loop ops (int ops.[0]) 2 1



    let calc_MBD2 (s : string) =
        let inline runop f a b =
            match f with
            | '+' -> a + b
            | '-' -> a - b
            | '*' -> a * b
            | '/' -> a / b
            | _ -> failwith "illegal op"
        let rec loop (ops : string []) r i j =
            if i >= ops.Length then r else
                let n = int ops.[i]
                loop ops (runop ops.[j].[0] r n) (i + 2) (j + 2)
        let ops = s.Split ' '
        loop ops (int ops.[0]) 2 1



    let calc_MBD3 (s : string) =
        let inline getnum (c : char) = int c - 48
        let parse (s : string) =
            let rec ploop r i =
                if i >= s.Length then r else
                    let c = s.[i]
                    let n = if c >= '0' && c <= '9'
                            then 10 * r + getnum c else r
                    ploop n (i + 1)
            ploop 0 0
        let inline runop f a b =
            match f with
            | '+' -> a + b
            | '-' -> a - b
            | '*' -> a * b
            | '/' -> a / b
            | _ -> failwith "illegal op"
        let rec loop (ops : string []) r i j =
            if i >= ops.Length then r else
                let n = parse ops.[i]
                loop ops (runop ops.[j].[0] r n) (i + 2) (j + 2)
        let ops = s.Split ' '
        loop ops (parse ops.[0]) 2 1



    let calc_OP (s : string) =
        let operate r op x =
            match op with
            | '+' -> r + x
            | '-' -> r - x
            | '*' -> r * x
            | '/' -> r / x
            | _ -> failwith "illegal op"
        let rec loop c n r =
            if n = -1 then
                operate r s.[c + 1] (int (s.Substring (c + 3)))
                operate r s.[c + 1] (int (s.Substring (c + 3, n - (c + 2))))
                |> loop n (s.IndexOf (' ', n + 4))
        let c = s.IndexOf ' '
        loop c (s.IndexOf (' ', c + 4)) (int (s.Substring (0, c)))



    let calc_Dumetrulo (s : string) =
        let inline getnum (c : char) = int c - 48
        let inline isnum c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
        let inline isop c =
            c = '+' || c = '-' || c = '*' || c = '/'
        let inline runop f a b =
            match f with
            | '+' -> a + b
            | '-' -> a - b
            | '*' -> a * b
            | '/' -> a / b
            | _ -> failwith "illegal op"
        let rec parse i f a c =
            if i >= s.Length then
                if c = -1 then a else runop f a c
                let k, j = s.[i], i + 1
                if isnum k then
                    let n = if c = -1 then 0 else c
                    parse j f a (10 * n + getnum k)
                elif isop k then parse j k a c
                elif c = -1 then parse j f a c
                else parse j f (runop f a c) -1
        parse 0 '+' 0 -1


    static int RunOp(char op, int a, int b)
        switch (op)
            case '+': return a + b;
            case '-': return a - b;
            case '*': return a * b;
            case '/': return a / b;
            default: throw new InvalidArgumentException("op");

    static int Calc_Dumetrulo(string s)
        int a = 0, c = -1;
        char op = '+';
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            char k = s[i];
            if (k >= '0' && k <= '9')
                c = (c == -1 ? 0 : 10 * c) + ((int)k - 48);
            else if (k == '+' || k == '-' || k == '*' || k == '/')
                op = k;
            else if (c == -1) continue;
                a = RunOp(op, a, c);
                c = -1;
        if (c != -1) a = RunOp(op, a, c);
        return a;