如何删除angularfire firestore

时间:2018-03-28 09:56:50

标签: angular google-cloud-firestore angularfire2

我刚刚更改了我的代码,它正在运行。可以在google cloud-firestore中批量删除。

async deleteMembersOfGroup(clubId: string, groupId: string) {
    //path of the collection
    const path = "club/" + clubId + "/group/" + groupId + "/group-members";

//query snapshot
    const qry: firebase.firestore.QuerySnapshot = await this.afs.collection(path).ref.get();

    const batch = this.afs.firestore.batch();

//looping through docs in the collection to delete docs as a bulk operation
    qry.forEach(doc => {
      console.log('deleting....', doc.id);

//finally commit
    batch.commit().then(res => console.log('committed batch.'))
    .catch(err => console.error('error committing batch.', err));

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