
时间:2018-03-27 21:10:59

标签: vb.net

我们有数据,其中键是可以包含引号的字符串。问题是Visual Basic不尊重普通双引号和斜引号之间的区别。例如。声明:

MessageBox.Show("""1""" = "””1””") 


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


来自String Literals


字符串文字是零个或多个Unicode字符的序列   以ASCII双引号字符开头和结尾,Unicode   左双引号字符,或Unicode右双引号   字符。在一个字符串中,一个由两个双引号字符组成的序列   是表示字符串中双引号的转义序列。

    : DoubleQuoteCharacter StringCharacter* DoubleQuoteCharacter

    : '"'
    | '<unicode left double-quote 0x201c>'
    | '<unicode right double-quote 0x201D>'

    : '<Any character except DoubleQuoteCharacter>'
    | DoubleQuoteCharacter DoubleQuoteCharacter

在上面引用的规范中,使用&#34; ASCII双引号字符&#34;表示英寸字符或Chrw(34)。

在VS2015之前,您甚至无法将"""1""" = "””1””"粘贴到代码编辑器中,而不会自动转换为"""1""" = """1"""


Const ucDoubleLeftQuote As Char = ChrW(&H201C) ' "“"c
Const ucDoubleRightQuote As Char = ChrW(&H201D) ' "”"c
Const asciiDoubleQuote As Char = ChrW(34) ' """"c

Dim asciiQuoted As String = """1"""
Dim asciiQuotedv2 As String = asciiDoubleQuote & "1" & asciiDoubleQuote

Dim unicodeQuoted As String = ucDoubleLeftQuote & "1" & ucDoubleLeftQuote

MessageBox.Show((asciiQuoted = asciiQuotedv2).ToString()) ' yields true
MessageBox.Show((asciiQuoted = unicodeQuoted).ToString()) ' yields false


Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        T1("““ 1 ””") ' unicode quotation marks left and right
        T2(""" 1 """) ' ascii quotation mark
    End Sub
    Sub T1(s As String) ' dummy method to highlight unicode quotation mark
    End Sub
    Sub T2(s As String) ' dummy method to highlight asci quotation mark
    End Sub
End Module


.method public static void  Main() cil managed
  .custom instance void [mscorlib]System.STAThreadAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) 
  // Code size       24 (0x18)
  .maxstack  8
  IL_0000:  nop
  IL_0001:  ldstr      "\" 1 \""
  IL_0006:  call       void ConsoleApp1.Module1::T1(string)
  IL_000b:  nop
  IL_000c:  ldstr      "\" 1 \""
  IL_0011:  call       void ConsoleApp1.Module1::T2(string)
  IL_0016:  nop
  IL_0017:  ret
} // end of method Module1::Main

IL_0001: ldstr "\" 1 \""对应于调用语句的字符串加载:T1("““ 1 ””")

你可以看到,这与IL_000c: ldstr "\" 1 \""相同,对应于加载调用语句的字符串:T2(""" 1 """)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Public Module Module1
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim regular_quotes As String = """1"""
        Dim slanted_quotes As String = "””1””"

        'Using = operator
        Console.WriteLine(regular_quotes = slanted_quotes) 'True

        'Using equals method
        Console.WriteLine(regular_quotes.Equals(slanted_quotes)) 'True

        'Using LINQ comparison
        Console.WriteLine(CompareCharArray(regular_quotes, slanted_quotes)) 'False
    End Sub

    Private Function CompareCharArray(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As Boolean
        'Return a False value if the Lengths don't match
        If value1.Length <> value2.Length Then
            Return False
        End If

        'Return a False value if the Char at the current index doesn't match
        For index As Integer = 0 To value1.Length - 1
            If Not value1(index).Equals(value2(index)) Then
                Return False
            End If

        'Return a True value if everything is squared up
        Return True
    End Function
End Module

小提琴:Live Demo

更新 - 显然当Visual Basic .NET呈现String时,引号(ascii代码137&amp; 138)将替换为普通引号(ascii code { {1}});因此,即使遍历两个数组并比较给定索引处的Char也没有帮助。布鲁赫,我不知道还能做些什么。