var ob = [
{name: "root",id: 1},
{name: "root2",id: 2}
我想动态地将子对象附加到它上面。例如: 假设如果我点击id 1,则应将children对象附加到ob对象。
var ob = [
{name: "root",id: 1, children: [
{name: 'sub1', id:'5'},
{name: 'sub2', id:'6'},
{name: "root2",id: 2}
现在,如果我再次点击id 6,则应将子项添加到id 6.
var ob = [
{name: "root",id: 1, children: [
{name: 'sub1', id:'5'},
{name: 'sub2', id:'6', children: [
{name: 'subsub1', id:'8'},
{name: 'subsub2', id:'9'},
{name: "root2",id: 2}
修改 以下是我的代码:
<div *ngFor = "let term of terms">
<div class="row tr">
<a (click) = "showTerms($event)">{{term.id}}</a>
<div class="col-xs-6">{{term.desc}}</div>
<app-icd-codes *ngIf = "term.children" [terms] = "term.children"></app-icd-codes>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
最简单的方法是将&#34; terms&#34;的索引作为参数传递。放两个按钮,一个用于AddTerms,另一个用于hideTerms / showTerms。
<div *ngFor = "let term of terms;let i=index">
<!--see the way to get the index of the array -->
<div class="row tr">
<!--you make a link, I use a button-->
<!--the button "add" is visible when there're NOT "children"-->
<button *ngIf="!term.terms" (click)="addTerms(i)">Add</button>
<!--the button to Show/hide is visible when there ARE "children"-->
<button *ngIf="term.terms" (click)="term.show=!term.show">
<span *ngIf="term.show">^</span>
<span *ngIf="!term.show">v</span>
<ng-container *ngIf ="term.terms && term.show">
<app-icd-codes [terms]="term.terms"></app-icd-codes>
//see that you received the "index" of children
addTerms(index: number) {
this.terms[index].show = true; //<--to show the children
this.terms[index].terms = [{ id: 3 }, { id: 4 }]; //a "easy" way to add
addTerms(index: number) {
let id=this.terms[index].id; //we get the "id"
//call a httpClient and subscribe
//in the subscription
this.terms[index].show = true; //<--to show the children
this.terms[index].terms = res
注意:可能导致&#34;奇怪&#34;向对象添加新属性(在本例中为&#34; children&#34;和&#34; show&#34;)。如果我们感觉更加舒适,我们可以在创建具有空值的对象时添加属性