识别相关记录并为其分配唯一ID /数据清理

时间:2018-03-27 05:17:43

标签: r data.table tidyverse


  1. " ID" - 这是每条记录的唯一标识符

  2. "代码" - 指项目代码。一个项目"代码"可以有几个记录。

  3. 数据集样本:

    df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                id = c("C01182", "C00966", "C00130", "d34567", "c34567", "C01142",
                       "C00241", "C00232", "C01094", "C00979", "C00144"),
              code = c("13762", "13762", "13762, 13886,13850", "55653", "65247",
                       "13698", "13698", "13698", "13880", "13773, 13858, 13880", "13773, 13880")




    df1 <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                 id = c("C01182", "C00966", "C00130", "d34567", "c34567", "C01142",
                        "C00241", "C00232", "C01094", "C00979", "C00144"),
               code = c("13762", "13762", "13762, 13886,13850", "55653", "65247",
                        "13698", "13698", "13698", "13880", "13773, 13858, 13880", "13773, 13880"),
            new_col = c("unique_id_1", "unique_id_1", "unique_id_1", "unique_id_2",
                        "unique_id_3", "unique_id_4", "unique_id_4",
                        "unique_id_4", "unique_id_5", "unique_id_5", "unique_id_5")


    1. 当有一堆代码然后这个记录连同所有 具有任何这些代码的其他记录被认为是a 独特的一套。
    2. 还有同一个code的记录,这些记录也需要标记为一个唯一的集合
    3. 唯一标识符可以是任何内容,也不一定是示例。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Dim i As Integer
Dim ctrlLabel As Control

For i = 1 To 81
    Set ctrlLabel = Me.Controls("labelnum" & i)
    If ctrlLabel.Caption = Label1.Caption Then
        ctrlLabel.BackColor = Label1.BackColor
    End If
    Set ctrlLabel = Nothing
Next i


# load 'data.table' package & convert 'df' to a data.table

d1 <- df[, .(code = unlist(tstrsplit(code, ',', type.convert = TRUE))), by = id]
d2 <- d1[, dcast(.SD, id ~ code, fun = length)][, -1]

df[d1[.(code = as.integer(names(d2)), val = colSums(as.matrix(d2)))
      , on = .(code), val := i.val][, .(code = code[which.max(val)]), by = id]
   , on = .(id)
   , new_col := rleid(i.code)][]


  1. > df id code new_col 1: C01182 13762 1 2: C00966 13762 1 3: C00130 13762, 13886,13850 1 4: d34567 55653 2 5: c34567 65247 3 6: C01142 13698 4 7: C00241 13698 4 8: C00232 13698 4 9: C01094 13880 5 10: C00979 13773, 13858, 13880 5 11: C00144 13773, 13880 5 setDT(df)转换为df
  2. data.tabled1 <- df[, .(code = unlist(tstrsplit(code, ',', type.convert = TRUE))), by = id]转换为长格式,其中每个df都有一个新行。
  3. code创建一个广d2 <- d1[, dcast(.SD, id ~ code, fun = length)][, -1]data.table列作为列,每个code的位置指示idcode相关联的次数它。使用[-1]时,id列会被删除,因为下一步我们不需要它。
  4. 最后一部分可分为几部分:
    • .(code = as.integer(names(d2)), val = colSums(as.matrix(d2)))为每data.tablecode创建一个很长的临时data.table
    • 上一步骤中的临时d1code加为on = .(code)作为加入密钥(codes),并将计数添加到相应的{{1}通过引用(val := i.val)。在每次id之后,只有code部分选择计数最多的val(= [, .(code = code[which.max(val)]), by = id]
    • 最后,最频繁的代码通过dfid)加入on = .(id)new_col由创建的<{1}}创建codenew_col := rleid(code))的em> run-lenght-id 。
  5. @minem指定的较大数据集的速度比较:

    n1 <- 10000
    n2 <- 10000
    ll <- lapply(1:n1, function(x) sample(1:n2, sample(1:5, 1)))
    dfl <- data.table(id = 1:n1, code = sapply(ll, paste, collapse = ', '))


    > system.time(getGroupsJaap(dfl))
       user  system elapsed 
      1.878   0.595   2.479 
    > system.time(getGroupsMinem(dfl))
       user  system elapsed 
      4.332   0.598   4.931

    通过将colSums替换为colSums2 - matrixStats,可以实现我的方法的进一步(虽然是次要的)。


    dfc <- lapply(strsplit(df$code, ','), type.convert)
    m <- as.data.table(outer(unlist(dfc),
                       )[, lapply(.SD, sum), rep(seq_along(dfc), lengths(dfc))
                         ][, rep := NULL][, t(.SD)]
    dt <- data.table(id = rep(df$id, lengths(dfc)),
                     m)[, grp := .GRP, by = V1:V11
                        ][, rs := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = 2:12
                          ][, .(grp = grp[rs == max(rs)]), by = id
                            ][, unid := paste0('unique_id_', .GRP), by = grp][]
    df[dt, on = .(id), new_col := unid][]

答案 1 :(得分:1)

getGroups <- function(df) {
  l <- strsplit(df$code, ",")
  l <- lapply(l, as.integer)
  x <- rep(df$id, times = sapply(l, length))
  d <- data.table(id = x, code = unlist(l))
  D <- dcast(d, id ~ code, fun.aggregate = length, value.var = 'code')
  x <- as.matrix(D[, -1])
  g <- rep(0L, nrow(x))
  cols <- 1:ncol(x)
  i <- cols[1]
  test <- colSums(x)
  gi <- 1
  while (length(cols) > 0) {
    r = F
    while (r == F) {
      y <- rowSums(x[, i, drop = F]) > 0
      ssums <- colSums(x[y, , drop = F])
      i <- ssums > 0
      r <- all(test[i] == ssums[i])
    g[y] <- gi
    gi <- gi + 1
    cols <- cols[!(cols %in% which(i))]
    i <- cols[1]
  m <- D[, .(id, group = g)]
  results <- merge(df, m, by = 'id', sort = F)


#         id                code group
#  1: C01182               13762     2
#  2: C00966               13762     2
#  3: C00130  13762, 13886,13850     2
#  4: d34567               55653     4
#  5: c34567               65247     5
#  6: C01142               13698     1
#  7: C00241               13698     1
#  8: C00232               13698     1
#  9: C01094               13880     3
# 10: C00979 13773, 13858, 13880     3
# 11: C00144        13773, 13880     3


为了提高速度,我们可以colSums / rowSums替换colSums2 / rowSums2

getGroups <- function(df) {
  setDT(df) # convert df to data.table
  l <- strsplit(df$code, ",") # split codes to list
  l <- lapply(l, as.integer) # convert them to integers for efficiency
  x <- rep(df$id, times = sapply(l, length)) # create id vector for each code
  d <- data.table(id = x, code = unlist(l)) # combine into data.table
  # converts the data from long to wide format ( each column represents if id has particular code):
  D <- dcast(d, id ~ code, fun.aggregate = length, value.var = 'code') 
  x <- as.matrix.data.frame(D[, -1]) # convert to matrix and removes id column
  g <- rep(0L, nrow(x)) # initialise result vector
  cols <- 1:ncol(x) # creates column indices vector
  test <- colSums(x) # calculates how much id have each code / for testing if we have selected all
  gi <- 1 # first group value
  while (length(cols) > 0) {
    i <- cols[test[cols] == max(test[cols])][1] # selects code column from remaining which have largest count of id`s
    r <- F # initialise indicator if we have selected all id in group
    while (r == F) {
      if (is.integer(i) != T) i <- which(i == T) # if logical converts to integer indicies
      y <- rowSums2(x, cols = i) > 0 # get indices of ids which is in current selection
      ssums <- colSums2(x, rows = y) # for those ids get all code columns and cont how many ids have each
      i <- ssums > 0 # converts to logical
      r <- all(test[i] == ssums[i]) # if selected column sums are equal to initial col sums, then we have selected all one group ids
    g[y] <- gi # give group id
    gi <- gi + 1 # increase group id
    cols <- cols[!(cols %in% which(i))] # remove cols that was in this group
  m <- D[, .(id, group = g)] 
  results <- merge(df, m, by = 'id', sort = F) # merge group id to initial data


n1 <- 10000
n2 <- 10000
ll <- lapply(1:n1, function(x) sample(1:n2, sample(1:5, 1)))
df <- data.table(id = 1:n1, codes = sapply(ll, paste, collapse = ', '))

system.time(wFroups1 <- getGroupsOld(df)) # 17.96
system.time(wFroups2 <- getGroups(df)) #5.35