
时间:2018-03-27 00:41:01

标签: boost boost-spirit





3)有没有办法获取规则的信息并将其用于另一个规则?我尝试过使用phoenix :: ref,但在使用BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT时会混淆数据。

4)我是否因此而使用代码进行深度错误?我的意思是,我是否应该使用包含自动规则的语法,或者只是简化使用两个规则,用于" location"以及其他用于" location + event"然后用凤凰?

#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_seek.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/phoenix.hpp>
#include <cstring> // strlen

typedef char const* It;
enum kind { SLOPE, GEAR };

struct Location {
    int driver;
    double time;
    double vel;
    double km;
    std::string date;
    std::string road;

struct Event {
    int event;
    double time;
    double value;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Location, date, time, driver, vel, road, km)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Event, event, value)//Same "time" as its previous "Location" header. Please do not adapt "time" unless necesssary.

//They shall be defined in another compilation unit and defined as extern in production code. Please do not insert within dispatcher struct.
std::vector<Location> container1;
std::vector<Event> container2;

struct dispatcher
    static void add(const Location& loc) { container1.push_back(loc); }
    static void add(const Event& ev)     { container2.push_back(ev);  }

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace px = boost::phoenix;

namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
    template <> struct is_container<dispatcher> : std::true_type { };

    template <> struct container_value<dispatcher>
        typedef boost::variant<Location, Event> type;

    template <typename T> struct push_back_container<dispatcher, T>
        struct Visitor
            typedef void result_type;
            template <typename U> void operator()(U const& ev) const { dispatcher::add(ev); }

        static bool call(dispatcher& log, T const& attribute)
            boost::apply_visitor(Visitor(), attribute);
            return true;
} } }

void parse_test_1(It b, It e) {
    using namespace qi;

    auto date = copy(
        repeat(4)[digit] >> '-' >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> '-' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ' ' >> 
        repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> '.' >> +digit);

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = lit(" - SLOPE: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::SLOPE)] >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = lit(" - GEAR: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::GEAR)] >> double_;

    qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
        >> double_ >> " s"
        >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
        >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
        >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
        >> " - Km: "       >> double_
        >> -(slope | gear)
        >> (eol | eoi);

    parse(b, e, *boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek[line], dispatcher());

void parse_test_2(It b, It e) {
    using namespace qi;

    double t = 0;
    auto date = copy(
        repeat(4)[digit] >> '-' >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> '-' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ' ' >> 
        repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> '.' >> +digit);

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = lit(" - SLOPE: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::SLOPE)] >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = lit(" - GEAR: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::GEAR)] >> double_;

    qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
        >> double_ >> " s"
        >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
        >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
        >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
        >> " - Km: "       >> double_
        >> -(slope | gear)
        >> (eol | eoi);

    parse(b, e, *line, dispatcher());

//Not all the lines will match the parser!
static char input1[] = 
"[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.200 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 5.5\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - GEAR: 1\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => I do not care about this line\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 2.440 s => Neither I do about this other line\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 10\n";

static const size_t len1 = strlen(input1);

//All the lines shall match the parser!
static char input2[] = 
"[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.200 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 5.5\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - GEAR: 1\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 10\n";

static const size_t len2 = strlen(input2);

int main()
    parse_test_1(input1, input1+len1);
    std::cout << "TEST 1:\n";
    std::cout << "Locations:\n";
    std::for_each(std::begin(container1), std::end(container1), [](const Location& loc)
        std::cout << "[" << loc.date << "] - " << loc.time << " s => Driver: " << loc.driver << " - Speed: " << loc.vel << " - Road: " << loc.road << " - Km: " << loc.km << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Events:\n";
    std::for_each(std::begin(container2), std::end(container2), [](const Event& ev)
        std::cout << ev.time << " s => EVENT(" << ev.event << ") : " << ev.value << std::endl;


    parse_test_2(input2, input2+len2);
    std::cout << "\nTEST 2:\n";
    std::cout << "Locations:\n";
    std::for_each(std::begin(container1), std::end(container1), [](const Location& loc)
        std::cout << "[" << loc.date << "] - " << loc.time << " s => Driver: " << loc.driver << " - Speed: " << loc.vel << " - Road: " << loc.road << " - Km: " << loc.km << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Events:\n";
    std::for_each(std::begin(container2), std::end(container2), [](const Event& ev)
        std::cout << ev.time << " s => EVENT(" << ev.event << ") : " << ev.value << std::endl;

    return 0;


[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.2 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
0.2 s => EVENT(0): 5.5
1.79 s => EVENT(1): 1
3.44 s => EVENT(0): 10

[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.2 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
0.2 s => EVENT(0): 5.5
1.79 s => EVENT(1): 1
3.44 s => EVENT(0): 10

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


首先关闭:我在that answer中提供了全部,在&#34;分隔带有特征的向量&#34;。唯一的区别似乎是您使LogEvents成员全局变量(ick)的类型和事实。


 parse(b, e, *boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek[line], dispatcher());

你为什么要把调度员送到那里? Dispatcher不是兼容属性(实际上只有静态非数据成员)。


struct ParsedData
    std::vector<Location> _locations;
    std::vector<Event> _events;
    void add(const Location& loc) { _locations.push_back(loc); }
    void add(const Event& ev)     { _events.push_back(ev);  }

请注意容器aren't global any morehave proper names

boost::spirit::traits专精是相同的( mutatis mutandis ),除了我们现在有一个数据实例,所以我们绑定它(再次,如the original example linked above, line 52中所示,所以让& #39; s修复用法:

ParsedData data;
parse(b, e, *boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek[line], data);
return data;




  • 没有理由在C ++中使用原始字符数组和strlen(我使用std::string
  • 没有理由复制所有代码并命名所有内容_1_2。我做了主要的:

    int main() {
        do_test("TEST 1", input1, parse_test_1);
        do_test("TEST 2", input2, parse_test_2);
  • 没有理由将for_each与lambda一起使用,其中ranged-for就足够了。这是do_test

    void do_test(std::string caption, std::string const& input, ParsedData(*f)(It,It)) {
        ParsedData const data = f(input.begin(), input.end());
        std::cout << caption << ":\n";
        std::cout << "Locations:\n";
        for (Location const& loc : data._locations) {
            std::cout << "[" << loc.date << "] - " << loc.time << " s => Driver: " << loc.driver << " - Speed: " << loc.vel << " - Road: " << loc.road << " - Km: " << loc.km << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Events:\n";
        for (Event const& ev : data._events) {
            std::cout << " EVENT(" << ev.event << ") : " << ev.value << std::endl;
  • 我从time删除了Event成员,因为它未被使用。


<强> Live On Coliru

#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_seek.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/phoenix.hpp>
#include <cstring> // strlen

typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
enum kind { SLOPE, GEAR };

struct Location {
    int driver;
    double time;
    double vel;
    double km;
    std::string date;
    std::string road;

struct Event {
    int event;
    double value;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Location, date, time, driver, vel, road, km)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Event, event, value)

struct ParsedData {
    std::vector<Location> _locations;
    std::vector<Event> _events;
    void add(const Location& loc) { _locations.push_back(loc); }
    void add(const Event& ev)     { _events.push_back(ev);  }

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace px = boost::phoenix;

namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits {
    template <> struct is_container<ParsedData> : std::true_type {};
    template <> struct container_value<ParsedData> { typedef boost::variant<Location, Event> type; };

    template <typename T> struct push_back_container<ParsedData, T> {
        struct Visitor {
            ParsedData &data;
            typedef void result_type;
            template <typename U> void operator()(U const &ev) const { data.add(ev); }

        static bool call(ParsedData &log, T const &attribute) {
            boost::apply_visitor(Visitor{ log }, attribute);
            return true;
} } } // namespace boost::spirit::traits

ParsedData parse_test_1(It b, It e) {
    using namespace qi;

    auto date = copy(
        repeat(4)[digit] >> '-' >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> '-' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ' ' >> 
        repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> '.' >> +digit);

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = lit(" - SLOPE: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::SLOPE)] >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = lit(" - GEAR: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::GEAR)] >> double_;

    qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
        >> double_ >> " s"
        >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
        >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
        >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
        >> " - Km: "       >> double_
        >> -(slope | gear)
        >> (eol | eoi);

    ParsedData data;
    parse(b, e, *boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek[line], data);
    return data;

ParsedData parse_test_2(It b, It e) {
    using namespace qi;

    auto date = copy(
        repeat(4)[digit] >> '-' >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> '-' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ' ' >> 
        repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> '.' >> +digit);

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = lit(" - SLOPE: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::SLOPE)] >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = lit(" - GEAR: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::GEAR)] >> double_;

    qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
        >> double_ >> " s"
        >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
        >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
        >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
        >> " - Km: "       >> double_
        >> -(slope | gear)
        >> (eol | eoi);

    ParsedData data;
    parse(b, e, *line, data);
    return data;

//Not all the lines will match the parser!
static std::string const input1 = 
"[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.200 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 5.5\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - GEAR: 1\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => I do not care about this line\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 2.440 s => Neither I do about this other line\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 10\n";

//All the lines shall match the parser!
static std::string const input2 = 
"[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.200 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 5.5\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - GEAR: 1\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
[2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 10\n";

void do_test(std::string caption, std::string const& input, ParsedData(*f)(It,It)) {
    ParsedData const data = f(input.begin(), input.end());
    std::cout << caption << ":\n";
    std::cout << "Locations:\n";
    for (Location const& loc : data._locations) {
        std::cout << "[" << loc.date << "] - " << loc.time << " s => Driver: " << loc.driver << " - Speed: " << loc.vel << " - Road: " << loc.road << " - Km: " << loc.km << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Events:\n";
    for (Event const& ev : data._events) {
        std::cout << " EVENT(" << ev.event << ") : " << ev.value << std::endl;

int main() {
    do_test("TEST 1", input1, parse_test_1);
    do_test("TEST 2", input2, parse_test_2);


  1. 当您希望Event规则(斜率/齿轮)匹配或合成属性时,我不清楚。我也不清楚为什么那些是可选的(没有那部分,一条线的位置部分不可能匹配)。

  2. 此外,由

    qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
        >> double_ >> " s"
        >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
        >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
        >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
        >> " - Km: "       >> double_
        >> -(slope | gear)
        >> (eol | eoi);


    struct Location {
        int driver;
        double time;
        double vel;
        double km;
        std::string date;
        std::string road;
        boost::optional<Event> event;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Event, event, value)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Location, date, time, driver, vel, road, km, event)
  3. 这些规则很奇怪:

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = lit(" - SLOPE: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::SLOPE)] >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = lit(" - GEAR: ")[px::construct<int>(kind::GEAR)] >> double_;

    为什么不使用symbols approach exactly as I showed in the linked answer (line 57/98)?如果你坚持这样做&#34;笨拙&#34;,请使用语义操作(Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?),但使用qi::attr

    qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = " - SLOPE: " >> attr(kind::SLOPE) >> double_;
    qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = " - GEAR: " >> attr(kind::GEAR) >> double_;


  4. 有了这些改进,我们得到:

    <强> Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_seek.hpp>
    typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
    enum kind { SLOPE, GEAR };
    struct Event {
        int event;
        double value;
    struct Location {
        int driver;
        double time;
        double vel;
        double km;
        std::string date;
        std::string road;
        boost::optional<Event> event;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Event, event, value)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Location, date, time, driver, vel, road, km, event)
    using ParsedData = std::vector<Location>;
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace px = boost::phoenix;
    ParsedData parse_test(It b, It e) {
        using namespace qi;
        auto date = copy(
            repeat(4)[digit] >> '-' >> repeat(3)[alpha] >> '-' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ' ' >> 
            repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> ':' >> repeat(2)[digit] >> '.' >> +digit);
        qi::rule<It, Event()> slope = " - SLOPE: " >> attr(kind::SLOPE) >> double_;
        qi::rule<It, Event()> gear = " - GEAR: " >> attr(kind::GEAR) >> double_;
        qi::rule<It, Location()> line = '[' >> raw[date] >> "] - "
            >> double_ >> " s"
            >> " => Driver: "  >> int_
            >> " - Speed: "    >> double_
            >> " - Road: "     >> raw[+graph]
            >> " - Km: "       >> double_
            >> -(slope | gear)
            >> (eol | eoi);
        ParsedData data;
        parse(b, e, *boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek[line], data);
        return data;
    //Not all the lines will match the parser!
    static std::string const input = 
    "[2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.200 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 5.5\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - GEAR: 1\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.790 s => I do not care about this line\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 2.440 s => Neither I do about this other line\n\
    [2018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.440 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90.0 - SLOPE: 10\n";
    int main() {
        auto parsed = parse_test(input.begin(), input.end());
        std::cout << "Locations:\n";
        for (Location const& loc : parsed) {
            std::cout << "[" << loc.date << "] - " << loc.time << " s => Driver: " << loc.driver << " - Speed: " << loc.vel << " - Road: " << loc.road << " - Km: " << loc.km << std::endl;
            if (loc.event)
                std::cout << " - event: " << loc.event->event << " value: " << loc.event->value << "\n";


    [2018-Mar-13 13:13:59.580482] - 0.2 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
     - event: 0 value: 5.5
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
     - event: 1 value: 1
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.170203] - 1.79 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.1702032018-Mar-13 13:14:01.819966] - 2.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.1 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
    [2018-Mar-13 13:14:01.1702032018-Mar-13 13:15:01.819966] - 3.44 s => Driver: 0 - Speed: 0.2 - Road: A-11 - Km: 90
     - event: 0 value: 10