
时间:2018-03-26 21:16:09

标签: c# winforms inotifypropertychanged


在这里,我有代码在UNIX纪元整数时间戳和System DateTime对象之间进行转换。它接收一个ConvertEventArgs对象,该对象包含一个对象值和要转换为的DesiredType。



public class NotifyBase {
    public static void UpdateDataBindings(string propertyName
                                            , Control ctl
                                            , object bindingSource
                                            , string bindingPropertyName
                                            , Action<object, ConvertEventArgs> formatFunc = null
                                            , Action<object, ConvertEventArgs> parseFunc = null
                                            , bool clearBefore = true
                                            , bool formattingEnabled = true) {
        var b = new Binding(propertyName, bindingSource, bindingPropertyName, formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
        if (formatFunc != null) b.Format += (sender, args) => formatFunc(sender,args);
        if (parseFunc != null) b.Format += (sender, args) => parseFunc(sender,args);
        if(clearBefore) ctl.DataBindings.Clear();


    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void SetPropertyField<T>(ref T field, T newValue,
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") {
            if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, newValue)) return;
            field = newValue;
            // Ignoring online conjecture about the need to keep a reference to the event property
            // before invoking it. 
            // 1. this is a single threaded app.
            // 2. documentation clearly says that event handlers should merely be checked for being null.
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

然后我初始化我的数据绑定。以下是Winform DateTimePicker的示例。

NotifyBase.UpdateDataBindings("Value", TimePickerBox, Config, nameof(Config.UnitTimestamp)
                , (o, args) => { NotifyBase.PropertyTypeChange(args, ReportingTimeZoneInfo); }
                , (o, args) => { NotifyBase.PropertyTypeChange(args, ReportingTimeZoneInfo); });


Type u = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(carg.DesiredType);
if (carg.DesiredType == typeof(DateTime) || u == typeof(DateTime)) {
    if (u == null) {
        if (carg.Value is int) {
            carg.Value = epoch.AddSeconds((int) carg.Value);
        else if (carg.Value is DateTime) carg.Value = carg.Value; // do not throw if type is already the expected type.
        else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value type conversion to DateTime is not supported.");
    } else {
        DateTime tp;
        if (carg.Value is int) {
            tp = epoch.AddSeconds((int) carg.Value);
        else if (carg.Value is DateTime) tp = (DateTime) carg.Value; // do not throw if type is already the expected type.
        else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value type conversion to DateTime is not supported.");
        carg.Value = tp.MakeNullable<DateTime>();

无论如何,想用“是”做类型对应更优雅。 但是,正如我的监视窗口所示,即使它清楚地显示对象是整数,它也不会解析为int:

Watch window


我认为is表达式等同于object.GetType() == typeof(int)这不是真的吗?



使用:Visual Studio 2015 使用:Microsoft.Net 4.6.1 Framework。

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