当我想使用addon nuxeo csv import将附件(csv)添加到文件时。我遇到了这个问题:
Line 2 ERROR The file NuxeoCSV-USERDOC.pdf does not exist
nuxeo-csv-userdoc,"File","Nuxeo CSV User documentation","This is the user guide for Nuxeo CSV","NuxeoCSV-USERDOC.pdf","procedure","http://doc.nuxeo.com"
Nuxeo-csv-sample-3,"File","Nuxeo CSV Sample","This a second file imported with Nuxeo CSV","Nuxeo-csv-sample-3.odt","article","http://doc.nuxeo.com"
Configuration :
The Nuxeo CSV addon enables users to create file documents and upload their
main attachment at the same time. This requires to configure where the
server will take the attachments. This is done adding the parameter
nuxeo.csv.blobs.folder in the server nuxeo.conf and giving it a value that
is a local path to a folder that can be accessed by the server.