How do I see the most recent Open Street Maps in mapbox

时间:2018-03-25 20:27:58

标签: mapbox openstreetmap mapbox-gl-js mapbox-gl

I'm using mapbox-gl-js to overlay a campus map for a university. The buildings shown in Mapbox look like this: enter image description here

But if I look on Open Street Map's site (, that version has much better buildings (that more closely reflect reality and therefore fit nicely with my campus map that I want to overlay).

enter image description here

I thought that Mapbox used OSM, so why doesn't it show the same buildings? Is the Mapbox data old, it says the Streets maps are updated as frequently as every five minutes? Is it the Mapbox style showing something different to the buildings I see in OSM?

The most important question for me is, if I edit OSM (to fix up this campus), will the change be visible in my Mapbox maps?

For reference, the location:

2 个答案:

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Mapbox的“Mapbox Streets”图层来自OpenStreetMap,具有实质性的处理能力。对于数据处理作业的确切运行频率,没有任何公开指示。但是从记忆中来看:

  • 在不同的时间轴上处理不同的层(例如,道路比陆地边界更新更频繁)
  • 某些图层仅每隔几个月处理一次



您可能会发现我写的这篇博文有用:“OpenStreetMap vector tiles: mixing and matching engines, schemas and styles

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如果您需要显示更新的OSM数据,请切换到其他OSM磁贴提供程序。 switch2osm.org有一个商业OSM磁贴提供商列表。或者,你可以render tiles yourself