
时间:2018-03-25 17:39:38

标签: javascript html html5 canvas html5-canvas





<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>

<!--Canva startup-->
    // Setup values
    var height = 300;
    var width = 300;
    var zoomFactor = 15;

    // --------
    var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var xZero = width / 2;
    var yZero = height / 2;
    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

    // Draw Cord-System-Grid
    ctx.moveTo(xZero, 0);
    ctx.lineTo(xZero, height);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
    ctx.moveTo(0, yZero);
    ctx.lineTo(width, yZero);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";

    // Draw Numbers
    ctx.font = "10px Georgia";
    var heightTextX = yZero + 10;
    for(var i = 0; i < width; i = i + width / 10) {
        var numberX = (-1 * xZero / zoomFactor) + i / zoomFactor;  
        ctx.fillText(numberX, i, heightTextX);

    var heightTextY = yZero + 10;
    for(var n = 0; n < height; n = n + height / 10) {
        var numberY = (-1 * yZero / zoomFactor) + n / zoomFactor;
        if(numberY !== 0)
            ctx.fillText(numberY * -1, heightTextY, n);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

 在这里,我列出了缩放和平移的解决方案 您可以运行代码,然后首先查看结果(放大或缩小鼠标),而不是首先分析代码详细信息,如果它是您想要的,那么您可以在代码中找到答案。

class ViewPort {
    constructor(canvas) {
      this.canvas = canvas

        * Point used to calculate the change of every point's position on
        * canvas after view port is zoomed and panned
      this.center = this.basicCenter

      this.zoom = 1

      this.shouldPan = false
      this.prevZoomingPoint = null

    get canvasWidth() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().width

    get canvasHeight() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().height

    get canvasLeft() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left

    get canvasTop() {
      return this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top

    get context() {
      return this.canvas.getContext('2d')

    get basicCenter() {
      const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = this

      const point = {
        x: canvasWidth / 2,
        y: canvasHeight / 2
      return point

    get basicWidth() {
      const width = this.canvasWidth
      return width

    get basicHeight() {
      const height = this.canvasHeight
      return height

    get width() {
      const { basicWidth, zoom } = this
      const width = basicWidth * zoom
      return width

    get height() {
      const { basicHeight, zoom } = this
      const height = basicHeight * zoom
      return height

    get movement() {
      const { width, height, basicWidth, basicHeight } = this
      const { x: cx, y: cy } = this.center
      const { x: basicCX, y: basicCY } = this.basicCenter

      const deltaX = cx - basicCX - ((width - basicWidth) / 2)
      const deltaY = cy - basicCY - ((height - basicHeight) / 2)
      const res = {
        x: deltaX,
        y: deltaY

      return res

    get pan() {
      const { center, zoom, basicCenter } = this
      const res = {
        x: center.x - basicCenter.x,
        y: center.y - basicCenter.y
      return res

    zoomBy(center, deltaZoom) {
      const prevZoom = this.zoom

      this.zoom = this.zoom + deltaZoom

      this.center = this.zoomPoint(center, this.zoom / prevZoom, this.center)

    zoomIn(point) {
      this.zoomBy(point, 0.1)

    zoomOut(point) {
      this.zoom > 0.25 && this.zoomBy(point, -0.1)

    zoomPoint(center, rate, point) {
      const { x: cx, y: cy } = center
      const { x, y } = point

      const deltaX = (x - cx) * rate
      const deltaY = (y - cy) * rate

      const newPoint = {
        x: cx + deltaX,
        y: cy + deltaY
      return newPoint

    panBy(deltaX, deltaY) {
      const { x: centerX, y: centerY } = this.center
      this.center = {
        x: centerX + deltaX,
        y: centerY + deltaY

    getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = this.prevZoomingPoint

      const deltaPoint = {
        x: x - prevX,
        y: y - prevY
      return deltaPoint

    startPan(event) {
      const point = {
        x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
        y: event.y - this.canvasTop,

      this.shouldPan = true

      this.prevZoomingPoint = point

    panning(event) {
      const point = {
        x: event.x - this.canvasLeft,
        y: event.y - this.canvasTop,

      const deltaX = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).x
      const deltaY = this.getDeltaPointToPrevPanningPoint(point).y

      this.prevZoomingPoint = point

      this.panBy(deltaX, deltaY)

    stopPan() {
      this.shouldPan = false

    transformToInitial(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { movement, zoom } = this
      const res = {
        x: (x - movement.x) / zoom,
        y: (y - movement.y) / zoom
      return res

    transform(point) {
      const { x, y } = point
      const { movement, zoom } = this
      const res = {
        x: x * zoom + movement.x,
        y: y * zoom + movement.y
      return res

    clearCanvas() {
      this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)

  class Interaction {
    }) {

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", mousewheelListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener)

      canvas.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)
      canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener)

      function mousewheelListener(event) {

        const point = {
          x: event.x - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left,
          y: event.y - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top,

        const { deltaX, deltaY } = event

        if (isDecreasing()) {

        if (isIncreasing()) {

        function isIncreasing() {
          const res = deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0
          return res
        function isDecreasing() {
          const res = deltaX < 0 || deltaY < 0
          return res



      function mousedownListener(event) {

      function mousemoveListener(event) {
        viewPort.shouldPan && viewPort.panning(event)
        viewPort.shouldPan && render()

      function mouseupListener(event) {

  const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas")
  const viewPort = new ViewPort(canvas)
  const interaction = new Interaction({ viewPort, canvas })

  function render() {
    const { abs, max } = Math
    const { zoom, movement, context: ctx, pan, center, basicCenter } = viewPort

    ctx.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, movement.x, movement.y)

    // Original codes are rewrote
    const { canvasWidth, canvasHeight } = viewPort

    const interval = 20
    const basicWidth = canvasWidth
    const basicHeight = canvasHeight

    const potentialWidth = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: basicWidth, y: 0 }).x - basicCenter.x))
    const width = potentialWidth > basicWidth ? potentialWidth : basicWidth

    const potentialHeight = 2 * max(abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: 0 }).y - basicCenter.y), abs(viewPort.transformToInitial({ x: 0, y: basicHeight }).y - basicCenter.y))
    const height = potentialHeight > basicHeight ? potentialHeight : basicHeight


    function drawXAxis() {
      const path = new Path2D

      path.moveTo(basicCenter.x - width / 2, basicHeight / 2)
      path.lineTo(basicCenter.x + width / 2, basicHeight / 2)


    function drawYAxis() {
      const path = new Path2D
      path.moveTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - height / 2)
      path.lineTo(basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + height / 2)


    function drawOriginCoordinate() {
      ctx.fillText(`O`, basicCenter.x + 5, basicCenter.y - 5)

    function drawXCoordinates() {
      for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` ${i} `, basicCenter.x + total, basicHeight / 2)

      for (let i = 1; i <= width / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` -${i} `, basicCenter.x - total, basicHeight / 2)

    function drawYCoordinates() {
      for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` ${i} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y + total)

      for (let i = 1; i <= height / 2 / interval; i++) {
        total = i * interval
        ctx.fillText(` -${i} `, basicWidth / 2, basicCenter.y - total)

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>