module Q5Degrees where
-- The relationship between temperature c in degrees Celsius and temperature f in degrees Q5Degrees
-- is defined by the function
-- c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9
-- Data types to represent temperature values in Q5Degrees and Celsius
data Fahrenheit =
F Double
deriving (Show)
data Celsius =
C Double
deriving (Show)
-- | convert
-- Takes a value representing temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and converts it to degrees Celsius
-- Examples:
-- >>> convert (F 50)
-- C 10.0
-- >>> convert (F 14)
-- C (-10.0)
convert :: Double -> Double
convert f = (f - 32) * 5 / 9
-- | equals
-- Takes values representing temperature in degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit and returns True
-- if they are equal (to within 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit), and False otherwise
-- Examples:
-- >>> equals (F 34) (C 1)
-- True
-- >>> equals (F 33) (C 0)
-- False
-- >>> equals (F 32) (C 0)
-- True
equals :: Double -> Double -> Bool
equals ("F" y) ("C" x)
| (y-32)*5/9 == x = True
| (y-32)*5/9 /= x = False
| otherwise = False
doctest需要输入两个值(F 34)(C 1)。任何人都可以教我如何修复这一行,以通过doctest。我试过放 等于x y 如果输入(F 34)(C 1)
,则会出错答案 0 :(得分:1)
equals :: Fahrenheit -> Celsius -> Bool
equals (F y) (C x)
| (y-32)*5/9 == x = True
| (y-32)*5/9 /= x = False
| otherwise = False
convert :: Fahrenheit -> Celsius
convert (F f) = C ((f - 32) * 5 / 9)
equals :: Fahrenheit -> Celsius -> Bool
equals (F y) (C x) = (y - 32) * 5 / 9 == x
我不知道如何处理这个doctest,因为测试本身看起来不对。 34华氏度不等于1摄氏度;它应该是10/9 C.但是你不会在这里进行同等性测试,因为你正在使用Double