I'm stuck on trying to activate a window in OSX from node using nodobjc.
Here's what I have:
var $ = require('nodobjc');
//found window is returned from CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo left out for brevity's sake
const app = $.NSRunningApplication('runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier',foundWindow.kCGWindowOwnerPID);
app('activateWithOptions', 'NSApplicationActivateAllWindows');
app is holding a pointer to the correct process id and app name if I console.log(app) I see something like:
<NSRunningApplication: 0x103f14540 (com.apple.calculator - 9274)>
Now according to other questions around the place in obj-c you would get an app object back and call activateWithOptions and NSApplicationActivateAllWindows being the option. Apple docs here:
When I run this, however nothing happens. I can basically send in what I want instead of NSApplicationActivateAllWindows and nothing happens. I've tried the other options available, same thing.
How can I get the application to activate and come to the foreground?