
时间:2018-03-22 20:54:30

标签: gpu google-colaboratory

Google Colaboratory提供多长时间的GPU访问权限?他们对这个问题的确切政策是什么?我的顾问希望我在Colab上训练一些模型,但我发现他们的GPU访问权限是它提供长达12小时。 12小时后会发生什么?你需要等多久再次获得GPU访问权限?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

google colab从未真正连接长达12小时



答案 1 :(得分:1)

Based on what I have experienced, it will ask you to refresh the page after 12 hours to instantiate a new session. All your data on your old instance will be lost.

Your notebook files will be in Google Drive. You need to keep the data also remote and download it to /tmp location when you run the notebook.

12 hour is the current limit. I don't see that as indefinite promise from Google based on their previous products open sourcing.

FAQ does not have any reference to any time limit. Means they can change the time limit when they can.

Hope it helps.
