我看了multithreading 和multithread foreach。
但我真的不确定。有什么想法在这里应用多线程?我需要多线程的原因是Telnet需要永远(参见shell脚本)。但我无法同时写入我的数据库($ stmt2)。我正在使用$ stmt-> fetch遍历我的设备列表。
也许我应该做run task specifically这样的事情,只需要在任务中调用telnet / shell脚本,就像那个例子:
$task = new class extends Thread {
private $response;
public function run()
$content = file_get_contents("http://google.com");
preg_match("~<title>(.+)</title>~", $content, $matches);
$this->response = $matches[1];
$task->start() && $task->join();
var_dump($task->response); // string(6) "Google"
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS in /opt/IBM/custom/NAC_Dslam/calix_swVerThreaded.php on line 100
$ task = new class ...
$stmt =$mysqli->prepare("SELECT ip, model FROM TableD WHERE vendor = 'Calix' AND model in ('C7','E7') AND sw_ver IS NULL LIMIT 6000"); //AND ping_reply IS NULL AND software_version IS NULL
$stmt->bind_result($ip, $model); //list of ip's
$stmt2 = $mysqli2->prepare("UPDATE TableD SET sw_ver = ?
WHERE vendor = 'Calix'
AND ip = ? ");
$stmt2->bind_param("ss", $software, $ip);
while($stmt->fetch()) {
//initializing var's
if(pingAddress($ip)=="alive") { //Ones that don't ping are dead to us.
///////this is the part that takes forever and should be multi-threaded/////
//Call shell script to telnet to calix dslam and get version for that ip
if($model == "C7"){
$task = new class extends Thread {
private $itsOutput;
public function run()
exec ("./calix_C7_swVer.sh $ip", $itsOutput);//takes forever/telnet
//in shell script. Can't
//be fixed. Each time I
//call this script it's a
//different ip
$task->start() && $task->join();
var_dump($task->itsOutput); //should be returned output above //takes forever to telnet
//$output = $task->itsOutput;
if (!(preg_grep("/DENY/", $output2))){
$found = preg_grep("/COMPLD/", $output2);
$ind = key($found);
$version = explode(",", $output[$ind+1]);
if(strlen($version[3])>=1) { //if sw ver came back in an acceptable size
$software = $version[3];
$software = trim($software,'"'); //trim double quote (usually is there)
print "sw ver after trim: " . $software . "\n";
if(!$stmt2->execute()) { //write sw version to netcool db
$tempErr = "Failed to insert into dslam_elements_nac: " . $stmt2->error;
printf($tempErr . "\n"); //show mysql execute error if exists
if(!$stmtX->execute()) { //commit it
$tempErr = "Failed to commit dslam_elements_nac: " . $stmtX->error;
printf($tempErr . "\n"); //show mysql execute error if exists
} //we got a version back
else { //version not retrieved
//error processing
} //didn't get sw ver
} //not deny
} //c7
else if($model == "E7") {
exec ("./calix_E7_swVer.sh $ip", $output);
if (!(preg_grep("/DENY/", $output2))){
$found = preg_grep("/yes/", $output2);
$ind = key($found);
$version = explode(" ", $output[$ind]);
if(strlen($version[5])>=1) { //if sw ver came back in an acceptable size
$software = $version[5];
print "sw ver after trim: " . $software . "\n";
if(!$stmt2->execute()) { //write sw version to netcool db
$tempErr = "Failed to insert into dslam_elements_nac: " . $stmt2->error;
printf($tempErr . "\n"); //show mysql execute error if exists
if(!$stmtX->execute()) { //commit it
//err processing
} //we got a version back
else { //version not retrieved
//handle it
} //didn't get sw ver
} //not deny
} //while
更新 我正在尝试这个(pcntl_fork),但它似乎并不是我需要的,因为当我睡觉(30),我认为它类似于我的shell脚本调用,其他进程不会继续并执行下一个之一。
declare(ticks = 1);
$res = array("aabc", "bcd", "cde", "eft", "ggg", "hhh", "iii", "jjj", "kkk", "lll", "mmm", "nnn", "ooo", "ppp", "qqq", "aabc", "bcd", "cde", "eft", "ggg", "hhh", "iii", "jjj", "kkk", "lll", "mmm", "nnn", "ooo", "ppp", "qqq");
function sig_handler($signo) {
global $child;
switch ($signo) {
//echo "SIGCHLD receivedn";
// clean up zombies
$pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG);
$child -= 1;
pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, "sig_handler");
//$website_scraper = new scraper();
foreach($res as $r){
while ($child >= $max) {
sleep(5); //echo " - sleep $child n";
if ($pid==-1) {
die("Could not fork:n");
elseif ($pid) {
// we're in the parent fork, dont do anything
else {
//example of what a child process could do:
print "child process stuff \n";
//$website_scraper -> scraper("http://foo.com");
while(pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) { //////???
$status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);
echo "child $status completed \n";
print "did stuff \n";
答案 0 :(得分:0)
别。 PHP线程的实用性非常有限,因为它无法在Web服务器环境中使用。它只能在命令行脚本中使用。
PHP pthreads扩展has written的作者:
pthreads v3仅限于在CLI中运行:我花了很多年时间试图解释Web服务器中的线程是没有意义的,在1,111提交到pthreads之后我意识到这一点,我的建议没有受到重视。
执行异步I / O,或者将多个PHP进程作为工作队列的一部分运行以管理连接。