xtset id_num year // id_num = id_country
reg `outcome' i.treatment i.year i.id_num c.year#i.id_num `controls' if id_country!="USA" & `subgroup'==1, cluster(id_num)
note: 201.id_num#c.year omitted because of collinearity
Linear regression Number of obs = 4,789
F(39, 174) = .
Prob > F = .
R-squared = 0.9994
Root MSE = .20753
(Std. Err. adjusted for 175 clusters in id_country)
| Robust
obesity_as | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
1.treatment | .1847802 .1341994 1.38 0.170 -.080088 .4496483
year |
1981 | .2162895 .0156983 13.78 0.000 .185306 .2472731
1982 | .4461132 .0224864 19.84 0.000 .4017319 .4904944
1983 | .6690157 .0281392 23.78 0.000 .6134777 .7245538
1984 | .915047 .0311529 29.37 0.000 .8535609 .9765332
1985 | 1.177176 .0344991 34.12 0.000 1.109085 1.245266
1986 | 1.421679 .0389734 36.48 0.000 1.344758 1.498601
1987 | 1.68354 .0413294 40.73 0.000 1.601969 1.765112
1988 | 1.963494 .0440206 44.60 0.000 1.876611 2.050377
1989 | 2.236331 .0472635 47.32 0.000 2.143048 2.329615
1990 | 2.52923 .0498206 50.77 0.000 2.4309 2.62756