C# - >罗斯林 - > DocumentEditor.ReplaceNode - >代码缩进和格式

时间:2018-03-22 09:17:57

标签: c# compilation roslyn


Roslyn - replace node and fix the whitespaces


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string test5 = @"test symbols \r\n © @ {} [] <> | / \ $£@!\#¤%&/()=?` hello";
            string varTest1 = @"test var hello"; string varTest2 = @"test var hello";
            string test1 = @"test string hello";
            string test2 = @"test String hello"; string test3 = @"test const hello"; string test4 = @"test readonly hello";
            int i = 0;

            var i2 = 0;





var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";").WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation);

newVariable = newVariable.NormalizeWhitespace();


var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";").WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation);


var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";").WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation, Simplifier.Annotation);

newVariable = newVariable.NormalizeWhitespace();


var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";");

newVariable = newVariable.NormalizeWhitespace();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Simplification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;

namespace CodeAnalysisApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var workspace = new AdhocWorkspace();
            var projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
            var versionStamp = VersionStamp.Create();
            var projectInfo = ProjectInfo.Create(projectId, versionStamp, "NewProject", "projName", LanguageNames.CSharp);
            var newProject = workspace.AddProject(projectInfo);

            var sourceText = SourceText.From(
                  using System;
                  using System.IO;
                  using System.Linq;
                  using System.Text;

                  namespace HelloWorld
                      class Program
                          static void Main(string[] args)

                              string test5 = ""test symbols \r\n © @ {} [] <> | / \ $£@!\#¤%&/()=?`""; 

                              var varTest1 = ""test var"";

                              var varTest2 = ""test var"";

                              string test1 = ""test string"";

                              String test2 = ""test String"";

                              const string test3 = ""test const""; 

                              readonly string test4 = ""test readonly""; 

                              int i = 0;

                              var i2 = 0;


            var document = workspace.AddDocument(newProject.Id, "NewFile.cs", sourceText);
            var syntaxRoot = document.GetSyntaxRootAsync().Result;

            var root = (CompilationUnitSyntax)syntaxRoot;

            var editor = DocumentEditor.CreateAsync(document).Result;

            var localDeclaration = new LocalDeclarationVirtualizationVisitor();

            var localDeclarations = localDeclaration.LocalDeclarations;

            foreach (var localDeclarationStatementSyntax in localDeclarations)
                foreach (VariableDeclaratorSyntax variable in localDeclarationStatementSyntax.Declaration.Variables)

                    var stringKind = variable.Initializer.Value.Kind();

                    //Replace string variables
                    if (stringKind == SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression)
                        //Remove " from string
                        var value = variable.Initializer.Value.ToString().Remove(0, 1);
                        value = value.Remove(value.Length - 1, 1);

                        var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";").WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation, Simplifier.Annotation);

                        newVariable = newVariable.NormalizeWhitespace();

                        editor.ReplaceNode(variable, newVariable);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Key: {variable.Identifier.Value} Value:{variable.Initializer.Value}");

            var newDocument = editor.GetChangedDocument();

            var text = newDocument.GetTextAsync().Result.ToString();

    class LocalDeclarationVirtualizationVisitor : CSharpSyntaxRewriter
        public LocalDeclarationVirtualizationVisitor()
            LocalDeclarations = new List<LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax>();

        public List<LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax> LocalDeclarations { get; set; }

        public override SyntaxNode VisitLocalDeclarationStatement(LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax node)
            node = (LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax)base.VisitLocalDeclarationStatement(node);
            return node;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Normalize Whitespace规范化当前对象的空白 - 而不是SyntaxTree中包含的对象。


string varTest2 = @"test var hello";

变量声明也在语法树中并不重要 - 重要的是当前上下文。规范化上述语句的空格基本上没有任何意义,因为没有BlockStatements,Declarations或其他会产生缩进的元素。


static void Main(string[] args)
    string test5 = @"test symbols \r\n © @ {} [] <> | / \ $£@!\#¤%&/()=?` hello";
    string varTest1 = @"test var hello";
    string varTest2 = @"test var hello";
    string test1 = @"test string hello";
    string test2 = @"test String hello";
    string test3 = @"test const hello";
    string test4 = @"test readonly hello";
    int i = 0;
    var i2 = 0;





foreach (var localDeclarationStatementSyntax in localDeclarations)
    foreach (VariableDeclaratorSyntax variable in localDeclarationStatementSyntax.Declaration.Variables)

        var stringKind = variable.Initializer.Value.Kind();

        //Replace string variables
        if (stringKind == SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression)
            //Remove " from string
            var value = variable.Initializer.Value.ToString().Remove(0, 1);
            value = value.Remove(value.Length - 1, 1);

            var newVariable = SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement($"string {variable.Identifier.ValueText} = @\"{value + " hello"}\";").WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation, Simplifier.Annotation);

            newVariable = newVariable.NormalizeWhitespace();

            // This is new, copies the trivia (indentations, comments, etc.)
            newVariable = newVariable.WithLeadingTrivia(localDeclarationStatementSyntax.GetLeadingTrivia());
            newVariable = newVariable.WithTrailingTrivia(localDeclarationStatementSyntax.GetTrailingTrivia());

            editor.ReplaceNode(variable, newVariable);

            Console.WriteLine($"Key: {variable.Identifier.Value} Value:{variable.Initializer.Value}");