
时间:2018-03-22 03:22:10

标签: sql sql-server tsql

我在MS SQL Server上有这个表

Customer    Month    Amount
Tom         1        10
Kate        1        60
Ali         1        70
Tom         2        50
Kate        2        40
Tom         3        80
Ali         3        20


Customer    Month    Amount
Tom         1        10
Kate        1        60
Ali         1        70
Tom         2        60
Kate        2        100
Ali         2        70
Tom         3        140
Kate        3        100
Ali         3        90

注意到Ali没有2个月的数据 凯特没有3个月的数据

我已经完成了,但问题是,对于每个客户缺少的月份,没有数据显示 即凯特必须在第3个月有100个金额 和阿里必须在第二个月有70个金额

declare @myTable as TABLE   (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int)

    (Customer, Month, Amount)
    ('Tom', 1, 10),
    ('Kate', 1, 60),
    ('Ali', 1, 70),
    ('Tom', 2, 50),
    ('Kate', 2, 40),
    ('Tom', 3, 80),
    ('Ali', 3, 20);

select * from @myTable

    SUM(b.Amount),a.Customer, a.Month
    @myTable a
        inner join
    @myTable b
        on a.Customer = b.Customer and 
            a.Month >= b.Month
group by
    a.Customer, a.Month

9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


select Customer, Month,
       sum(Amount) over (partition by customer order by month) Amount
from table t

因此,您需要某种look up表,这些表可能与客户有关。

with cte as
     select * from (
        select Customer from table 
        group by Customer)c 
     cross join (values (1),(2),(3))a(Months) 
) -- look-up table 

select c.Customer, c.Months, 
       sum(t.Amount) over (partition by c.Customer order by c.Months) Amount 
from cte c left join table t 
      on t.Month = c.Months and t.Customer  = c.Customer


Customer Months Amount
Tom      1      10
Kate     1      60
Ali      1      70
Tom      2      60
Ali      2      70
Kate     2      100
Ali      3      90
Kate     3      100
Tom      3      140

答案 1 :(得分:2)

with cte as
(select *
  (select distinct customer from myTable ) c
  cross join ( values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12)) t(month))

select cte.customer, cte.month, 
sum(myTable.amount) over (partition by cte.customer order by cte.month) as cumamount
from cte left join myTable
on cte.customer = myTable.customer and cte.month = myTable.month
order by  cte.month, cte.customer desc

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您是否希望每个月为每位客户获得金额,客户在该月的交易情况如何? 在下面的脚本中,如果您有一个customer表,则可以加入customer表,不需要使用(SELECT DISTINCT Customer FROM @myTable)

declare @myTable as TABLE   (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @myTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
    ('Tom', 1, 10),
    ('Kate', 1, 60),
    ('Ali', 1, 70),
    ('Tom', 2, 50),
    ('Kate', 2, 40),
    ('Tom', 3, 80),
    ('Ali', 3, 20),
    ('Jack', 3, 90);

    SELECT c.Customer,sv.number AS Month ,SUM(CASE WHEN t.Month<=sv.number THEN t.Amount ELSE 0 END ) AS Amount
    FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS sv 
    INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Customer FROM @myTable) AS c ON 1=1
    LEFT JOIN @myTable AS t ON t.Customer=c.Customer
    WHERE sv.type='P' AND sv.number BETWEEN 1 AND MONTH(GETDATE())
    GROUP BY sv.number,c.Customer
    ORDER BY c.Customer,sv.number

Customer                                           Month       Amount
-------------------------------------------------- ----------- -----------
Ali                                                1           70
Ali                                                2           70
Ali                                                3           90
Jack                                               1           0
Jack                                               2           0
Jack                                               3           90
Kate                                               1           60
Kate                                               2           100
Kate                                               3           100
Tom                                                1           10
Tom                                                2           60
Tom                                                3           140

答案 3 :(得分:1)

试试这个表名是“a”。 使用Cte和子查询的组合。在MSSQL2008R2中试过它

 with cte as
 select * from (
    select Customer from a 
    group by Customer)c 
 cross join (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9), (10),(11),(12))a(Months) 
select  Customer,Months,

(select  SUM(total) from 
(select customer , month , sum(amount)as total from a   group by  customer, 
month) as GroupedTable
where GroupedTable.customer= cte.customer and  GroupedTable.month<= cte.Months) as total
  from cte
Group by  Customer,Months
order by Customer,Months

答案 4 :(得分:1)

试试这个:         create table #tmp(Customer VARCHAR(10),[month] INT,Amount INT)

    INSERT INTO #tmp
    SELECT 'Tom',1,10
    union all
    SELECT 'Kate',1,60
    union all
    SELECT 'Ali',1,70
    union all
    SELECT 'Tom',2,50
    union all
    SELECT 'Kate',2,40
    union all
    SELECT 'Tom',3,80
    union all
    SELECT 'Ali',3,20

    ;WITH cte1 AS (
        SELECT [month], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by [month] desc) rn 
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [month] as [month] FROM #tmp) a
    , cte2 AS (
        SELECT customer, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by customer desc) rn 
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT customer as customer FROM #tmp) b

    SELECT t2.Customer,t2.[month],ISNULL(t1.Amount,0) As Amount 
    into #tmp2
    from #tmp t1
    (select [month],customer from cte1 
    cross apply 
    cte2) t2 ON t1.customer=t2.customer and t1.[month]=t2.[month] 
    order by t2.[month]

    SELECT Customer,[Month] ,SUM (Amount) OVER(partition by customer order by customer ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) as Amount 
    FROM #tmp2
    order by [month]

    drop table #tmp
    drop table #tmp2

答案 5 :(得分:1)


DECLARE @myTable TABLE(Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);

INSERT INTO @myTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
    ('Tom', 1, 10),
    ('Kate', 1, 60),
    ('Ali', 1, 70),
    ('Tom', 2, 50),
    ('Kate', 2, 40),
    ('Tom', 3, 80),
    ('Ali', 3, 20);

DECLARE @FullTable TABLE(Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);

INSERT INTO @FullTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
SELECT c.Customer, m.Month, ISNULL(mt.Amount, 0)
LEFT JOIN @myTable AS mt ON m.Month = mt.Month AND c.Customer = mt.Customer

SELECT t1.Customer, t1.Month, t1.Amount, (t1.Amount + ISNULL(t2.sm, 0)) AS AmountSum
FROM @FullTable AS t1
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(Amount) AS sm FROM @FullTable AS t WHERE t.Customer = t1.Customer AND t.Month < t1.Month) AS t2
ORDER BY Month, Customer

答案 6 :(得分:1)


declare @myTable as TABLE   (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @myTable (Customer, Month, Amount)
    ('Tom', 1, 10),
    ('Kate', 1, 60),
    ('Ali', 1, 70),
    ('Tom', 2, 50),
    ('Kate', 2, 40),
    ('Tom', 3, 80),
    ('Ali', 3, 20);

 select dts.Month, cts.Customer, isnull(t.Amount, 0) as Amount
      , sum(isnull(t.Amount, 0)) over(partition by cts.Customer order by dts.Month) as CumAmt 
  from ( select distinct customer 
                from @myTable
       ) cts 
  cross join ( select distinct Month 
                from @myTable 
             ) dts
  left join @myTable t
    on t.Customer = cts.Customer 
   and t.Month = dts.Month
 order by dts.Month, cts.Customer;

Month       Customer                                           Amount      CumAmt
----------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -----------
1           Ali                                                70          70
1           Kate                                               60          60
1           Tom                                                10          10
2           Ali                                                0           70
2           Kate                                               40          100
2           Tom                                                50          60
3           Ali                                                20          90
3           Kate                                               0           100
3           Tom                                                80          140

答案 7 :(得分:0)

尝试对分区进行求和 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/sum-transact-sql

这将帮助您了解如何积累。如果我在postgresql中使用的代码是这样的 Select sum(amount) over(partition by customer, month)

答案 8 :(得分:0)




    Customer, Month, SUM(Amount) as Amount
FROM myTable
    GROUP BY Customer, Month
    ORDER BY Customer, Month