我是Python的新手。需要在游戏结束时打印出Python 3中的Rock,Paper,Scissors游戏:
The number of rounds the computer has won.
The number of rounds the user has won.
The number of rounds that ended in a tie
The number of times the user selected each weapon (Rock, Paper, Scissors).
例如,如果用户选择了Rock and Paper各3次,Scissors只选择了1次,或者如果用户选择了相同次数的每种武器,那么就没有最常用的武器由用户;在这种情况下,计算机可以选择任何武器。
# Import random function
import random
# After the round ask the user if he/she would like to play the game again
def display_intro():
print("Welcome to Rock, Paper and Scissors Game!")
play_game = input("Would you like to play with me?\n"
if play_game == "y" or play_game == "yes" or play_game == "Y":
print("Let\'s start playing!")
elif play_game == "n" or play_game == "no" or play_game == "N":
print("Thanks for playing")
print("Computer won", compWinCt, "times.")"" \
print("User won", userWinCt, "times.")
print("Draw games count is: ",drawCt)
print("User picked Rock", userRockCt, "times.")
print("User picked Paper", userPaperCt, "times.")
print("User picked Scissors", userScissors, "times.")
print("That's now a valid choice. Please try again!")
# define random choice pick
def get_random_choice():
comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)
if comp_choice == 1:
comp_choice = "r"
elif comp_choice == 2:
comp_choice = "p"
elif comp_choice == 3:
comp_choice = "s"
return comp_choice
# define computer choice base on what user has chosen in previous rounds
def get_comp_choice():
if userRockCt == 0 and userPaperCt == 0 and userScissorsCt == 0:
return get_random_choice()
if (userRockCt > userPaperCt) and (userRockCt > userScissorsCt):
return comp_choice == "r"
elif (userPaperCt > userRockCt) and (userPaperCt > userScissorsCt):
return comp_choice == "p"
elif (userScissorsCt > userPaperCt) and (userScissorsCt > userRockCt):
return comp_choice == "s"
def main():
while True:
# set count for a zero
userRockCt = 0
userPaperCt = 0
userScissorsCt = 0
compWinCt = 0
userWinCt = 0
drawCt = 0
# Get computer choice
comp_choice = get_comp_choice()
# Get user choice from the input
user_choice = input("Please enter from the menue: \n"
"r for rock,"
"p for paper"
"s for scissors"
"q to quit")
# Check who has won /lost or if the game is draw
# Get the count for how many times user picke Rock, Paper or Scissors
# Get the count for how many times won computer and user and the count for the draw
while comp_choice == "r":
if user_choice == "r":
print("This is a DRAW. You chose Rock and Computer chose Rock.")
userRockCt += 1
drawCt += 1
elif user_choice == "p":
print("YOU WIN. You chose Paper and Computer chose Rock. Paper covers Rock.")
userPaperCt += 1
userWinCt += 1
elif user_choice == "s":
print("YOU LOSE. You chose Scissors and Computer chose Rock. Rock breaks Scissors.")
userScissorsCt += 1
compWinCt += 1
print("Try again")
while comp_choice == "p":
if user_choice == "r":
print("YOU LOSE. You chose Rock and Computer chose Paper. Paper covers Rock.")
userRockCt += 1
compWinCt += 1
elif user_choice == "p":
print("This is a DRAW. You chose Rock and Computer chose Rock.")
userPaperCt += 1
drawCt += 1
elif user_choice == "s":
print("YOU WIN. You chose Scissors and Computer chose Paper. Scissors cut Paper.")
userScissorsCt += 1
userWinCt += 1
while comp_choice == "s":
if user_choice == "r":
print("YOU WIN. You chose Rock and Computer chose Scissors. Rock breaks Scissors.")
userRockCt += 1
userWinCt += 1
elif user_choice == "p":
print("YOU LOSE. You chose Paper and Computer chose Scissors. Scissors cut Paper.")
userPaperCt += 1
compWinCt += 1
elif user_choice == "s":
print("This is a DRAW. You chose Scissors and Computer chose Scissors.")
userScissorsCt += 1
drawCt += 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/.../Test", line 123, in <module>
File "C:/Users/.../Test", line 64, in main
comp_choice = get_comp_choice()
File "C:/Users/.../Test", line 43, in get_comp_choice
if userRockCt == 0 and userPaperCt == 0 and userScissorsCt == 0:
NameError: name 'userRockCt' is not defined
Process finished with exit code 1
和def display_intro()with compWinCt,userWinCt和DrawCt
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# Import random function
import random
# Declaring the variable here
userRockCt = 0
# Rest of the code goes here
def main():
while True:
# Declaring the variable as global here
# set count for a zero
global userRockCt
# rest of your code