VBA - 连接2如果条件& 2个留言箱

时间:2018-03-21 21:06:12

标签: vba excel-vba if-statement excel


  Dim myValue As Variant
    Dim myValue2 As Variant
    Dim myValue3 As Variant
    Dim myValue4 As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrorOccured
    If Target.Address = "$B$10" And Target.Value = "Yes" Then
        myValue = InputBox("Insert initialDate1")
        myValue2 = InputBox("Insert initialDate2")
        Range("C10").Value = myValue
        Range("D10").Value = myValue2
        End If

   If Target.Address = "$B$12" And Target.Value = "Yes" Then
        myValue3 = InputBox("InitialDate3")
        myValue4 = InputBox("InitialDate4")
        Range("C12").Value = myValue3
        Range("D12").Value = myValue4
        End If
    'Do when value is not valid
    End Sub

其目的如下: 如果我从下拉列表中选择是,代码必须要求我填写第一个事件的开始和结束日期然后 它应该转到第二个事件,再次从下拉列表中选择是,并询问开始和日期。我的问题是我不知道如何连接这两个条件,以便它们保持独立。我不能使用And Or,Else或其他经典连接器。我应该可以为第一个事件选择“是”并输入日期,对于第二个事件结束,选择“否”,不会出现弹出窗口。当我只为一个事件编写代码时它起作用了

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim myValue As Variant
    Dim myValue2 As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrorOccured
    If Target.Address = "$B$10" And Target.Value = "Yes" Then
        myValue = InputBox("Insert initialDate1")
        myValue2 = InputBox("Insert initialDate2")
        Range("C10").Value = myValue
        Range("D10").Value = myValue2
         End If
 End Sub


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