
时间:2018-03-21 20:58:02

标签: r ggplot2 tidyverse

我想创建一个饼图,在某个位置显示一些标签,表示比例测试是否重要。我已设法创建一个基本的饼图,我已粘贴下面的代码。我还发布了所需的结果(使用MS Paint软件创建),并且非常喜欢我可以获得的任何帮助。


# defining the dataframe
df <-
    condition = c('x', 'y', 'z'),
    cat = rep(c('a', 'b'), 3),
    freq = c(60, 34, 44, 40, 66, 56)

# computing percentages
df <-
  df %>% group_by(condition) %>% mutate(label = freq / sum(freq) * 100)

# creating a pie chart
ggplot2::ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes('', freq, fill = cat)) +
  facet_grid(". ~ condition") +
  geom_col(position = 'fill') +
  geom_label(aes(label = label), position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5)) +
  coord_polar(theta = 'y') +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)  +
  ggplot2::theme_grey() +
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.text.x = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
    strip.text.y = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
    strip.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
    legend.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
    legend.title.align = 0.5,
    legend.text.align = 0.5,
    legend.direction = "horizontal",
    legend.position = "bottom",
    legend.key = element_rect(size = 5),
    legend.key.size = unit(1.5, "lines"),
    legend.margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5),
    legend.box.margin = margin(5, 5, 5, 5),
    panel.border = element_rect(
      colour = "black",
      fill = NA,
      size = 1
    plot.subtitle = element_text(
      color = "black",
      size = 14,
      hjust = 0.5
    plot.title = element_text(
      color = "black",
      size = 16,
      face = "bold",
      hjust = 0.5
  ) +
  ggplot2::guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = base::list(colour = NA)))

reprex package(v0.2.0)创建于2018-03-21。

以下是所需结果(注意文本始终位于顶部并与饼图中心对齐) - enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这个怎么样?我使用geom_text并指定x = 1.6来获取饼图半径之外的标签。另外,只是一个样式提示,但是你在theme()中有很多不必要的参数,并且你不需要在加载tidyverse之后将ggplot2::放在ggplot函数之前。另外,如果您希望饼图中间没有小空点,则可以width = 1geom_col放入 library(tidyverse) df <- data.frame( condition = c('x', 'y', 'z'), cat = rep(c('a', 'b'), 3), freq = c(60, 34, 44, 40, 66, 56), sig =c("***", NA, "ns", NA, "**", NA) ) %>% group_by(condition) %>% mutate(label = freq / sum(freq) * 100) ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes('', freq, fill = cat)) + facet_wrap(~ condition, nrow = 1) + geom_col(position = 'fill', width = 1) + geom_label(aes(label = label), position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5)) + geom_text(aes(label = sig, x = 1.6), position = position_fill(vjust = 1)) + coord_polar(theta = 'y') + theme_grey() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), strip.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"), strip.background = element_rect(color = "black", size = 1), legend.text = element_text(size = 14), legend.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"), legend.position = "bottom", legend.key.size = unit(1.5, "lines"), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, size = 1)) + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = NA)))

Example of a match:
column1 = 'theredroof'
column2 = 'theredroof'

Example of non match:
column1 = 'theredroof'
column2 = 'thegreenroof'

Example of exclusion:
(I don't want it to consider this in the where statement at all)
column1 = 'theredroof'
column2 = 0
column1 = 0
column2 = 0

Here's the result