值不能为空。参数名称:源MVC& EF

时间:2018-03-20 19:46:17

标签: asp.net-mvc visual-studio entity-framework shopping-cart




Rad 98:         public List<Cart> GetCartItems()
Rad 99:         {
Rad 100:            return storeDB.Carts.Where(cart => cart.CartId == ShoppingCartId).ToList();
Rad 101:        }
Rad 102:

[ArgumentNullException:Value不能为null。 Parameternamn:来源]    System.Linq.Queryable.Where(IQueryable 1 source, Expression 1谓词)+2713614

    public class Cart
        public int RecordId { get; set; }
        public String CartId { get; set; }
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public int Count { get; set; }
        public System.DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
        public virtual Produkt Product { get; set; }

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Objects;

namespace Test123.Models
    public class ShoppingCart
        Test123Entities storeDB = new Test123Entities();
     string ShoppingCartId { get; set; }

        public const string CartSessionKey = "CartId";
        public static ShoppingCart GetCart(HttpContextBase context)
            var cart = new ShoppingCart();
            cart.ShoppingCartId = cart.GetCartId(context);
            return cart;

        // Helper method to simplify shopping cart calls
        public static ShoppingCart GetCart(Controller controller)
            return GetCart(controller.HttpContext);
        public void AddToCart(Produkt product)
            // Get the matching cart and product instances
            var cartItem = storeDB.Carts.SingleOrDefault(
                c => c.CartId == ShoppingCartId
                && c.ProductId == product.Produkt1);

            if (cartItem == null)
                // Create a new cart item if no cart item exists
                cartItem = new Cart
                    ProductId = product.Produkt1,
                    CartId = ShoppingCartId,
                    Count = 1,
                    DateCreated = DateTime.Now
                // If the item does exist in the cart, 
                // then add one to the quantity
            // Save changes

        public int RemoveFromCart(int id)
            // Get the cart
            var cartItem = storeDB.Carts.Single(
                cart => cart.CartId == ShoppingCartId
                && cart.RecordId == id);

            int itemCount = 0;

            if (cartItem != null)
                if (cartItem.Count > 1)
                    itemCount = cartItem.Count;
                // Save changes
               // storeDB.SaveChanges();
            return itemCount;

        public void EmptyCart()
            var cartItems = storeDB.Carts.Where(
                cart => cart.CartId == ShoppingCartId);

            foreach (var cartItem in cartItems)
            // Save changes
           // storeDB.SaveChanges();

        public List<Cart> GetCartItems()
            return storeDB.Carts.Where(cart => cart.CartId == ShoppingCartId).ToList();

        public int GetCount()
            // Get the count of each item in the cart and sum them up
            int? count = (from cartItems in storeDB.Carts
                          where cartItems.CartId == ShoppingCartId
                          select (int?)cartItems.Count).Sum();
            // Return 0 if all entries are null
            return count ?? 0;

        public decimal GetTotal()
            // Multiply product price by count of that product to get 
            // the current price for each of those products in the cart
            // sum all product price totals to get the cart total
            decimal? total = (from cartItems in storeDB.Carts
                              where cartItems.CartId == ShoppingCartId
                              select (int?)cartItems.Count *
            return total ?? decimal.Zero;

        public int CreateOrder(Order order)
            decimal orderTotal = 0;

            var cartItems = GetCartItems();
            // Iterate over the items in the cart, 
            // adding the order details for each
            foreach (var item in cartItems)
                var orderDetail = new OrderDetail
                    ProductId = item.ProductId,
                    OrderId = order.OrderId,
                    UnitPrice = item.Product.Pris,
                    Quantity = item.Count
                // Set the order total of the shopping cart
                orderTotal += (item.Count * item.Product.Pris);



            // Set the order's total to the orderTotal count
            order.Total = orderTotal;
            // Save the order
           // storeDB.SaveChanges();
            // Empty the shopping cart
            // Return the OrderId as the confirmation number
            return order.OrderId;

        // We're using HttpContextBase to allow access to cookies.
        public string GetCartId(HttpContextBase context)
            if (context.Session[CartSessionKey] == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.User.Identity.Name))
                    context.Session[CartSessionKey] =
                    // Generate a new random GUID using System.Guid class
                    Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    // Send tempCartId back to client as a cookie
                    context.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString();
            return context.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString();



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Test123.Models;
using Test123.ViewModel;

namespace Test123.Controllers

    // GET: ShoppingCart
    public class ShoppingCartController : Controller
    Test123Entities storeDB = new Test123Entities();

    // GET: /ShoppingCart/
    public ActionResult Index()
        var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);

        // Set up our ViewModel
        var viewModel = new ShoppingCartViewModel
            CartItems = cart.GetCartItems(),
            CartTotal = cart.GetTotal()
        return View(viewModel);

    // GET: /Store/AddToCart/5
    public ActionResult AddToCart(int id)
        // Retrieve the product from the database
        var addedProduct = storeDB.Products
            .Single(product => product.Produkt1 == id);

        // Add it to the shopping cart
        var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);


        // Go back to the main store page for more shopping
        return RedirectToAction("Index");

    // AJAX: /ShoppingCart/RemoveFromCart/5
    public ActionResult RemoveFromCart(int id)
        // Remove the item from the cart
        var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);

        // Get the name of the product to display confirmation
        string productName = storeDB.Carts
            .Single(item => item.RecordId == id).Product.Namn;

        // Remove from cart
        int itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id);

        // Display the confirmation message
        var results = new ShoppingCartRemoveViewModel
            Message = Server.HtmlEncode(productName) +
                " el lett távolítva a bevásárlókosárból.",
            CartTotal = cart.GetTotal(),
            CartCount = cart.GetCount(),
            ItemCount = itemCount,
            DeleteId = id
        return Json(results);

    // GET: /ShoppingCart/CartSummary
    public ActionResult CartSummary()
        var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(this.HttpContext);

        ViewData["CartCount"] = cart.GetCount();
        return PartialView("CartSummary");



    public class Test123Entities
        public  DbSet<Cart> Carts { get; set; }

        public DbSet<Produkt> Products { get; set; }
        public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
        public DbSet<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; }
        public DbSet<Kategori> Categories { get; set; }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public List<Cart> GetCartItems()
  if(storeDB.Carts != null)
    return storeDB.Carts
       .Where(cart => cart.CartId == ShoppingCartId)
  return new List<Cart>();

采用引用类型的 System.Linq 中的每个方法都将检查它们是否为空if(source== null)并抛出ArgumentNullException(如果它们)。

在这种情况下,您调用的WhereIEnumerable<TSource>的扩展方法。 Where

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, int, bool> predicate);
public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate);

如您所见,第一个参数名称为&#34; source&#34;,错误为:


