基本上,程序会转换用户输入的数字,以该数字后面的单位表示。例如,如果您将数字10 d ,它将返回日元的10英镑。
// money_exchange.cpp : A money exchange simulator that converts any rate to pound.
// The standard rates can be updated daily.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "../../Library/std_lib_facilities.h"
// 19/03/18 - Exchange Rates
const double euro = 1.13706;
const double dollar = 1.40369;
const double krone = 1.83428;
const double yen = 148.816;
double user_pocket = 0.0;
double user_account = 100.0;
string user_name = "ernest";
string user_pass = "pass";
int main()
cout << "Good Morning. Exchange rates loading...\n";
cout << "Please login into your account by writing username and password separated by a whitspace: ";
string login_name = " ";
string login_pass = " ";
cin >> login_name >> login_pass;
if (login_name == user_name && login_pass == user_pass) {
// User information resume:
cout << "\nWelcome " << user_name << ". I'm loading your information...\n";
cout << "Name: " << user_name << "\nPocket: " << user_pocket << " GBP" << "\nAccount: " << user_account << " GBP\n";
// Options available
cout << "\nI'm sorry but the only options available is: Exchange Rates\n";
cout << "Please digit the amount of money you would like to convert followed by a unit ( E,D,Y,K ): ";
double money = 0.0;
char unit = ' ';
cin >> money >> unit;
// Convertion selection
if (unit == 'e') {
cout << "\nResult: " << money << "GBP = " << euro * money << "EUR\n";
cout << "At the moment I can execute just one computation at time, please restart the application.\n";
cout << "Thank you " << user_name << '\n';
else if (unit == 'd')
cout << "\nResult: " << money << "GBP = " << dollar * money << "USD\n";
cout << "At the moment I can execute just one computation at time, please restart the application.\n";
cout << "Thank you " << user_name << '\n';
else if (unit == 'k')
cout << "\nResult: " << money << "GBP = " << krone * money << "NOK\n";
cout << "At the moment I can execute just one computation at time, please restart the application.\n";
cout << "Thank you " << user_name << '\n';
else if (unit == 'y')
cout << "\nResult: " << money << "GBP = " << yen * money << "JPY\n";
cout << "At the moment I can execute just one computation at time, please restart the application.\n";
cout << "Thank you " << user_name << '\n';
cout << "\nSomething went wrong! Make sure to follow the instruction ( 10y will produce 10 pound in Yen )";
cout << "\nAt the moment I can execute just one computation at time, please restart the application.\n";
cout << "Thank you " << user_name << '\n';
// Login failed
cout << "\nUsername or Password not in the database, please try again!";
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:7)
变量是双倍的。在C ++中,可以使用科学记数法(e)引用双精度数,因此您的cin
读为10 * 10 ^(?)。它没有阅读任何指数,也没有阅读任何内容。