我在C#(.NET 2.0)中有一个带有一些只读单元格的DataGridView(25个中的3个)。我正在使用顶部答案here中概述的方法在Form_Load处理程序中的那些特定单元格上设置ReadOnly。链接的问题表明
这看起来应该是默认行为,所以我甚至不得不为它找到一个属性,更不用说编写代码了... < / p>
编辑2:这是我的最终解决方案,处理箭头键导航以及基于Sean Griffiths' code的标签导航(也在接受的答案中链接):
private void GridForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.CellEnter += dataGridView1_CellEnter;
//a delegate is needed to avoid a circular loop when selecting a cell when in a cell selection event
private delegate void SetColumnAndRowOnGrid(DataGridView grid, int columnIndex, int rowIndex);
static SetColumnAndRowOnGrid setCellMethod = new SetColumnAndRowOnGrid(setGridCell);
// Method pointed to by the delegate
private static void setGridCell(DataGridView grid, int columnIndex, int rowIndex)
grid.CurrentCell = grid.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[columnIndex];
// Track the cell we leave so we can determine direction of "travel"
int _lastRow = 0, _lastCol = 0;
private void dataGridView1_CellLeave(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
_lastRow = e.RowIndex;
_lastCol = e.ColumnIndex;
enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right }
// When we enter a read only cell, determine direction
// of "travel" and keep going that way
private void dataGridView1_CellEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
int currRow = e.RowIndex;
int currCol = e.ColumnIndex;
if (dataGridView1.Rows[currRow].Cells[currCol].ReadOnly)
Direction direction = Direction.Right;
if ((currRow != _lastRow) && (currCol == _lastCol))
// moving vertically
if (currRow < _lastRow) direction = Direction.Up;
else direction = Direction.Down;
// moving horizontally
if (currCol == 0 &&
_lastCol == dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1 &&
currRow == _lastRow + 1)
// Special case - probably just tabbed from end of row
direction = Direction.Right;
else if (currCol == dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1 &&
_lastCol == 0 &&
currRow == _lastRow - 1)
// Special case - probably just shift-tabbed from start of row
direction = Direction.Left;
else if (currCol < _lastCol) { direction = Direction.Left; }
//this cell is readonly, find the next tabable cell
if (!SetNextTabableCell(dataGridView1, currCol, currRow, direction))
// All the cells in the grid have been tried, none could be tabbed
// to so move onto the next control
bool tabForward = direction == Direction.Right || direction == Direction.Down;
SelectNextControl(this, tabForward, true, true, true);
// Find the next cell that we want to be selectable
private static bool SetNextTabableCell(DataGridView grid, int nextColumn, int nextRow, Direction direction)
//keep selecting each next cell until one is found that isn't either readonly or invisible
int maxMoves = grid.ColumnCount * grid.RowCount;
int moves = 0;
if (!GetNextCell(grid, ref nextColumn, ref nextRow, ref direction)) return false;
// Prevent infinite loop - I managed to get in one when this function
// wound up in a readonly column with a direction of Down (if we've moved
// to another cell more times than there are cells in the grid, just give up)
if (++moves > maxMoves) return false;
while (grid.Rows[nextRow].Cells[nextColumn].ReadOnly == true ||
grid.Rows[nextRow].Cells[nextColumn].Visible == false);
//a cell has been found that can be entered, use the delegate to select it
grid.BeginInvoke(setCellMethod, grid, nextColumn, nextRow);
return true;
// Get the next cell in the indicated direction
// Wrap around if going left-right
// Bounce at the edge if going up/down
private static bool GetNextCell(DataGridView grid, ref int nextColumn, ref int nextRow, ref Direction direction)
switch (direction)
case Direction.Right:
if (nextColumn < grid.Columns.Count - 1)
// Nominal case - move right one cell
nextColumn = nextColumn + 1;
else // at the last column
// go the the first column
nextColumn = 0;
if (nextRow < grid.Rows.Count - 1)
// Nominal case - move down one row
nextRow = nextRow + 1;
// at the last row and last column exit this method, no cell can be selected
else { return false; }
case Direction.Left:
if (nextColumn > 0)
// Nominal case - move left one cell
nextColumn = nextColumn - 1;
else // at the first column
// go the the last column
nextColumn = grid.Columns.Count - 1;
if (nextRow > 0)
// Nominal case - move up one row
nextRow = nextRow - 1;
// at the first row and first column exit this method, no cell can be selected
else { return false; }
case Direction.Down:
if (nextRow < grid.Rows.Count - 1)
// Nominal case - move down one cell
nextRow = nextRow + 1;
else // at the last row
// turn around
nextRow = nextRow - 1;
direction = Direction.Up;
case Direction.Up:
if (nextRow > 0)
// Nominal case - move up one cell
nextRow = nextRow - 1;
else // at the first row
// turn around
nextRow = nextRow + 1;
direction = Direction.Down;
default: return false;
return true;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您将为此添加一些代码 一种方法是
void grd_CellEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我在使用datagridview时遇到了类似的问题 - 我的解决方案在这里写了http://codemumbler.blogspot.com/2011/02/one-aspect-of-datagridviews-that-you.html
希望这会有所帮助 - 肖恩