如何在Mongoose Schema中记录对象?

时间:2018-03-19 15:25:03

标签: javascript mongodb logging mongoose mongoose-schema


我需要知道finishQuest()中参数的内容是什么,但是在应用程序中根本不会调用脚本。 console.log在测试中被阻止,因此不能运行节点file.js,因为它使用节点6并且文件具有导入。我从来没有在这么庞大的文件结构中工作过。

schema.methods._processBossQuest = async function processBossQuest 
(options) {
  let {
  } = options;

  let group = this;
  let quest = questScrolls[group.quest.key];
  let down = progress.down * quest.boss.str; /* multiply by boss 
  strength */
  // Everyone takes damage
  let updates = {
    $inc: {'stats.hp': down},

  group.quest.progress.hp -= progress.up;
  /* TODO Create a party preferred language option so emits like this 
  can be localized. Suggestion: Always display the English version 
  too. Or, if English is not displayed to the players, at least 
  include it in a new field in the chat object that's visible in the 
  database - essential for admins when troubleshooting quests!*/

  let playerAttack = `${user.profile.name} attacks 
  ${quest.boss.name('en')} for ${progress.up.toFixed(1)} damage.`;

  let bossAttack = CRON_SAFE_MODE || CRON_SEMI_SAFE_MODE ? 
  `${quest.boss.name('en')} does not attack, because it respects the 
  fact that there are some bugs\` \`post-maintenance and it doesn't 
  want to hurt anyone unfairly. It will continue its rampage soon!` : 
  `${quest.boss.name('en')} attacks party for 
  ${Math.abs(down).toFixed(1)} damage.`;

  /*TODO Consider putting the safe mode boss attack message in an ENV 

  group.sendChat(`\`${playerAttack}\` \`${bossAttack}\``);

  /* If boss has Rage, increment Rage as well */
  if (quest.boss.rage) {
    group.quest.progress.rage += Math.abs(down);
  if (group.quest.progress.rage >= quest.boss.rage.value) {
    group.quest.progress.rage = 0;

  /* TODO To make Rage effects more expandable, let's turn these 
  into functions in quest.boss.rage */

      if (quest.boss.rage.healing) group.quest.progress.hp += 
        group.quest.progress.hp * quest.boss.rage.healing;
      if (group.quest.progress.hp > quest.boss.hp) 
        group.quest.progress.hp = quest.boss.hp;
      if (quest.boss.rage.mpDrain) {
        updates.$set = {'stats.mp': 0};

  await User.update(
      {$in: this.getParticipatingQuestMembers()},
    {multi: true}

  /* Apply changes the currently cronning user locally so we don't 
  have to reload it to get the updated state
  // TODO how to mark not modified? 
  // must be notModified or otherwise could overwrite future changes: 
  if the user is saved it'll save
  // the modified user.stats.hp but that must not happen as the hp 
  value has already been updated by the User.update above */

  if (down) user.stats.hp += down;

  // Boss slain, finish quest
  if (group.quest.progress.hp <= 0) {
    group.sendChat(`\`You defeated ${quest.boss.name('en')}! Questing 
    party members receive the rewards of victory.\``);

  // Participants: Grant rewards & achievements, finish quest
    await group.finishQuest(shared.content.quests[group.quest.key]);

  return await group.save();

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