我遇到了一个需要取出多页tiff图像文件的Base64内容的问题。此图像文件上传到我能够访问它的第三方系统。 这里的图像有两页,我逐页访问它,并将字节数据存储在byte []数组的两个独立索引中。 现在,当我将这两个页面单独转换为相应的基本64内容时,我就是正确的。但我没有得到如何合并两个页面的这两个基本64内容,以获得两个页面的单个基本64内容。
我需要为这两个页面获得base 64字符串。这是代码示例:
// Check if the document type is multi page tiff document
if (workPacket.Folder[documentIndex].DocumentType.Equals(Resources.DocumentTypeMultiPg))
// Convert the document object to Multipage diff object
MultiPageTiffDocument tiffDoc = (MultiPageTiffDocument)workPacket.Folder[documentIndex].Document;
int pageCount = tiffDoc.PageCount;
Helper.LogMessage(string.Format(Helper.UkCulture, Resources.PageCountMsg + pageCount), Helper.BpiMessageLevel4, tasknode);
bool allOk = false;
List<byte[]> test = new List<byte[]>();
for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++)
if (tiffDoc.CopyImageToFile(page, tempCopyFileName, true))
allOk = true;
Helper.LogMessage(string.Format("Data copied for page {0} is {1}", page, File.ReadAllBytes(tempCopyFileName)), Helper.BpiMessageLevel4, tasknode);
// Copy the document data to temporary file
if (allOk)
// Read the data from File created.
int lngth = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < test.Count; j++)
lngth = lngth + test[j].Length;
Helper.LogMessage(string.Format("Length of {0} element is {1}",j, test[j].Length), Helper.BpiMessageLevel4, tasknode);
byteData = new byte[lngth];
int Consolidatelength = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < test.Count; j++)
if (j == 0)
test[j].CopyTo(byteData, 0);
Consolidatelength = Consolidatelength + test[j - 1].Length;
test[j].CopyTo(byteData, Consolidatelength);
Helper.LogMessage(string.Format(Helper.UkCulture, Resources.CopyFailedMsg, tempCopyFileName), Helper.BpiMessageLevel4, tasknode);
// Add the combined base 64 in separate collection