我尝试使用this paper中提出的方法获取指纹的方向图。
Mat calculate_orientation(Mat img, Mat &coherence) {
Mat image = img.clone();
Mat orient_im = Mat::zeros(image.size(), image.type());
Mat grad_x, grad_y;
Sobel(image, grad_x, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT );
Sobel(image, grad_y, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT );
//Iterate per BLOCKSIZE and use BLOCKSIZE/2 as the center
for (int i=BLOCKSIZE/2 ; i<=image.rows-BLOCKSIZE/2 ; i+=BLOCKSIZE) {
for (int j=BLOCKSIZE/2 ; j<=image.cols-BLOCKSIZE/2 ; j+=BLOCKSIZE) {
//Iterate each pixel in the block
float vx = 0.0f, vy = 0.0f, angle;
float gx = 0.0f, gy = 0.0f, gxy = 0.0f;
for (int u=i-BLOCKSIZE/2 ; u<i+BLOCKSIZE/2 ; u++) {
for (int v=j-BLOCKSIZE/2 ; v<j+BLOCKSIZE/2 ; v++) {
gx = 2* grad_x.at<float>(u,v) * grad_y.at<float>(u,v);
gy = pow(grad_x.at<float>(u,v), 2) - pow(grad_y.at<float>(u,v), 2);
vx += gx;
vy += gy;
gxy += sqrt(pow(gx,2)+pow(gy,2));
if (vy == 0) {
angle = 90;
} else {
angle = 0.5 * atan(vx/vy) * 180.0f/CV_PI;
//The angle above is the angle perpendicular to ridge direction
orient_im.at<float>(i,j) = angle + 90;
float coh = sqrt(pow(vx,2)+pow(vy,2))/gxy;
coherence.at<float>(i,j) = coh;
return orient_im;
这是input image。