
时间:2018-03-18 20:14:35

标签: optimization lisp common-lisp


(defun is-prime (n &optional (d (- n 1))) 
  (if (/= n 1) (or (= d 1)
          (and (/= (rem n d) 0)
               (is-prime  n (- d 1)))) ()))

(defun prime-factors-helper (x n)
   (if (is-prime x) 
       (list x) 
       (if (is-prime n) 
            (if (AND (= (mod x n) 0) (<= n (/ x 2)))
                (cons n (prime-factors-helper (/ x n) n))
                (prime-factors-helper x (+ 1 n)))       
            (prime-factors-helper x (+ 1 n)))))

(defun prime-factors (x)
    (prime-factors-helper x 2)) 


我遇到了优化问题。如果我有一个很大的数字,例如123456789,我会收到此错误消息Stack overflow (stack size 261120)。我相信,因为正确的答案是(3 3 3607 3803),我的程序一旦用第一个元素(3 3)构造列表,找到下一个素数因子需要很长时间。如何优化我的代码?

 CL-USER 53 > (prime-factors 512)
 (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)

 CL-USER 54 > (prime-factors 123456789)

 Stack overflow (stack size 261120).
   1 (abort) Return to level 0.
   2 Return to top loop level 0.

 Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed.
 Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




  1. is-prime是C / Java风格。 Lispers使用primepprime-number-p
  2. zerop(= 0 ...)更清晰。
  3. Lispers使用缩进而不是paren count来读取代码。您的 因此,代码实际上是不可读的。如果你是的话请使用Emacs 不确定如何正确格式化lisp。
  4. 堆栈溢出

    is-prime是尾递归的,所以如果你编译它,它应该成为一个 简单的循环,应该没有堆栈问题。




    让我们使用trace来查看 问题:

    > (prime-factors 17)
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17)
    2. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '15)
    3. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '14)
    4. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '13)
    5. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '12)
    6. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '11)
    7. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '10)
    8. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '9)
    9. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '8)
    10. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '7)
    11. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '6)
    12. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '5)
    13. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '4)
    14. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '3)
    15. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '2)
    16. Trace: (IS-PRIME '17 '1)
    16. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    15. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    14. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    13. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    12. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    11. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    10. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    9. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    8. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    7. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    6. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    5. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    4. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    3. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    2. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T

    当只需要(isqrt 17) = 4次迭代时,你会进行17次迭代。



    > (prime-factors 12345)
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '12345)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '2)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '12345)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '3)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '4115)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '3)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '4115)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '4)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '4115)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> NIL
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '5)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    1. Trace: (IS-PRIME '823)
    1. Trace: IS-PRIME ==> T
    (3 5 823)





    (defun compositep (n &optional (d (isqrt n)))
      "If n is composite, return a divisor.
    Assumes n is not divisible by anything over d."
      (and (> n 1)
           (> d 1)
           (if (zerop (rem n d))
               (compositep n (- d 1)))))
    (defun prime-decomposition (n)
      "Return the prime decomposition of n."
      (let ((f (compositep n)))
        (if f
            (nconc (prime-decomposition (/ n f))
                   (prime-decomposition f))
            (list n))))

    请注意,最终的优化是可能的 - memoization compositep

    (let ((known-composites (make-hash-table)))
      (defun compositep (n &optional (d (isqrt n)))
        "If n is composite, return a divisor.
    Assumes n is not divisible by anything over d."
        (multiple-value-bind (value found-p) (gethash n known-composites)
          (if found-p
              (setf (gethash n known-composites)
                    (and (> n 1)
                         (> d 1)
                         (if (zerop (rem n d))
                             (compositep n (- d 1)))))))))


    (let ((known-decompositions (make-hash-table)))
      (defun prime-decomposition (n)
        "Return the prime decomposition of n."
        (or (gethash n known-decompositions)
            (setf (gethash n known-decompositions)
                  (let ((f (compositep n)))
                    (if f
                        (append (prime-decomposition (/ n f))
                                (prime-decomposition f))
                        (list n)))))))

    请注意使用或append instead of nconc

    另一个有趣的优化是改变迭代 compositep从下降到上升。 这应该会大大加快它,因为它会提前终止 常:

    (let ((known-composites (make-hash-table)))
      (defun compositep (n)
        "If n is composite, return a divisor.
    Assumes n is not divisible by anything over d."
        (multiple-value-bind (value found-p) (gethash n known-composites)
          (if found-p
              (setf (gethash n known-composites)
                    (loop for d from 2 to (isqrt n)
                      when (zerop (rem n d))
                      return d))))))