Android AES解密返回稀有字符V2.0

时间:2018-03-18 10:53:13

标签: java android encryption aes


在以下几行中,我读取了字符串AES加密,并返回以下字符串:RnLObq9hdUDGp9S2pxC1qjQXekuf9g6i / 5bQfKilYn4 =

public static final String AesKey256 ="ZzRtNDNuY3J5cHRrM3kuLi4=";
//This reads the String and stores on res.getContents()
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    IntentResult res= IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode,data);
        if (res.getContents() == null) {
            Toast.makeText(this,"Captura cancelada",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            try {
                String cadena= decrypt(res.getContents());
            } catch (Exception e) {

//provide the res.getContents() to decrypt method, wich its the String i've recently read
 private String decrypt(String cadena)throws Exception{
    SecretKeySpec keySpec= generateKey(AesKey256); //HERE
    Cipher c= Cipher.getInstance(AES_MODE);
    byte[] decodedValue= Base64.decode(cadena, Base64.DEFAULT);
    byte[] decValue= c.doFinal(decodedValue);/* c.doFinal(decodedValue);*/
    String decryptedValue= new String((decValue), "UTF-8");
    return decryptedValue;
 private SecretKeySpec generateKey(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    final MessageDigest digest= MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    byte[] bytes= password.getBytes("UTF-8");
    byte[] key= digest.digest();
    SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec= new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
    return secretKeySpec;

我只使用解密方法,但它仍然返回此字符: this shows after read the string



EDIT 这是如何在C#中加密的

private const string AesIV256 = "IVFBWjJXU1gjRURDNFJGVg==";
        private const string AesKey256 = "ZzRtNDNuY3J5cHRrM3kuLi4=";

        public static string Encrypt(string text)
            var sToEncrypt = text;
            var rj = new RijndaelManaged()
                Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros,
                Mode = CipherMode.ECB,
                KeySize = 256,
                BlockSize = 256,

            var key = Convert.FromBase64String(AesKey256);
            var IV = Convert.FromBase64String(AesIV256);

            var encryptor = rj.CreateEncryptor(key, IV);

            var msEncrypt = new MemoryStream();
            var csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);

            var toEncrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sToEncrypt);

            csEncrypt.Write(toEncrypt, 0, toEncrypt.Length);

            var encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();

            return (Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



public static String decrypt(String valueToDecrypt) throws Exception {
    AESCrypt enc = new AESCrypt();
    return new String(enc.decryptInternal(valueToDecrypt)).trim();

private byte[] decryptInternal(String code) throws Exception {
    if (code == null || code.length() == 0) {
        throw new Exception("Empty string");

    byte[] decrypted = null;
    try {

        byte[] key= SecretKey.getBytes("UTF-8");
        PaddedBufferedBlockCipher c = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new RijndaelEngine(256), new ZeroBytePadding());
        CipherParameters params= new KeyParameter(key);`
        // false because its going to decrypt
        decrypted= GetData(c,(Base64.decode(code,Base64.DEFAULT));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception("[decrypt] " + e.getMessage());
    return decrypted;

private static byte[] GetData(PaddedBufferedBlockCipher cipher, byte[] data) throws InvalidCipherTextException
    int minSize = cipher.getOutputSize(data.length);
    byte[] outBuf = new byte[minSize];
    int length1 = cipher.processBytes(data, 0, data.length, outBuf, 0);
    int length2 = cipher.doFinal(outBuf, length1);
    int actualLength = length1 + length2;
    byte[] cipherArray = new byte[actualLength];
    for (int x = 0; x < actualLength; x++) {
        cipherArray[x] = outBuf[x];
    return cipherArray;