
时间:2018-03-16 16:43:33

标签: xml excel-vba vba excel

我不熟悉在Excel VBA中解析XML文件。来自其他论坛&我已经能够将以下VBA代码放在一起解析XML文件中的元素并将它们放在Excel工作表上。但是,在XML文件的各个节点中,文本字段被分成多个部分并分配序列号。




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Desc>Text block one.</Desc>
      <Desc>Another text block</Desc>
      <Desc>Text following first one</Desc>
      <Desc>This comes third and is out of place</Desc>
      <Desc>this one is first</Desc>
      <Desc>This text is second. But all the same paragraph</Desc>


    Sub XMLShare()
    'Public Sub Xml_To_Excel()
    Dim osh As Worksheet
    Dim WinHttpReq As Object
    Dim xmlDoc As Object
    Dim nodeXML1 As Object
    Dim nodeXML2 As Object
    Dim nodeXML3 As Object
    Dim nodeXML4 As Object
    Dim i As Integer, oRow As Integer
    ' Clear Sheet
    ' Variables
     oRow = 1
    ' Sets
    Set osh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
    xmlDoc.async = False
    xmlDoc.Load ("filename.xml")
    Set nodeXML1 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ID")
    Set nodeXML2 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Type")
    Set nodeXML3 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Sequence")
    Set nodeXML4 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Desc")
    ' Processing Loop
      For i =0 To nodeXML1.Length - 1
        oRow = oRow + 1
       osh.Range("A" & oRow) = nodeXML1(i).Text        ' ID
       osh.Range("B" & oRow) = nodeXML2(i).Text    ' Type
       osh.Range("C" & oRow) = nodeXML3(i).Text    ' Sequence
       osh.Range("D" & oRow) = nodeXML4(i).Text    ' Desc
    ' Finish
        MsgBox "Process Completed"
    End Sub


    ID  Type    Desc
    001 AS  Text block one.
    002 AP  Another text block that follows the first one.
    003 AS  This one is first. This text is second. But all the
                    same paragraph. This comes third and is out of place.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub XMLShare()
    'Public Sub Xml_To_Excel()'
    Dim osh As Worksheet
    Dim WinHttpReq As Object
    Dim xmlDoc As Object
    Dim nodeXML1 As Object
    Dim nodeXML2 As Object
    Dim nodeXML3 As Object
    Dim nodeXML4 As Object
    Dim i As Integer, oRow As Integer
    Dim SequenceArr() As String
    Dim DescArr() As String
    ' Clear Sheet'
    ' Variables'
     oRow = 1
    ' Sets'
    Set osh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
    xmlDoc.async = False
    xmlDoc.Load ("C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\test.xml")
    Set nodeXML1 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ID")
    Set nodeXML2 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Type")
    Set nodeXML3 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ActionDescInfo")
    Set nodeXML4 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Desc")
    ' Processing Loop'
    For i = 0 To nodeXML1.Length - 1
        x = 0
        oRow = oRow + 1
        osh.Range("A" & oRow) = nodeXML1(i).Text        ' ID'
        osh.Range("B" & oRow) = nodeXML2(i).Text    ' Type'
        'Loop through the childnodes of ActionDescInfo'
        For j = 0 To nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes.Length - 1
            'If the childnode is sequence, find out the order and put the values in an array'
            If nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes(j).BaseName = "Sequence" Then
                'if x = 0, the cell is empty and just fill the first element of the array'
                'Else, loop through each element in the array to check if the number is larger or smaller'
                If x > 0 Then
                    For k = 0 To UBound(SequenceArr)
                        'If the value in the array is larger, this is the element where the new sequence number needs to be filled in'
                        If SequenceArr(k) > nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes(j).Text Then
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next k
                    k = 0
                End If
                'Move all elements one up and put the sequence number on the right place'
                ReDim Preserve SequenceArr(x)
                For l = k To UBound(SequenceArr) - 1
                    SequenceArr(l + 1) = SequenceArr(l)
                Next l
                SequenceArr(k) = nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes(j).Text
                x = x + 1
            'If the childnode is the description, do the same as for the sequence: Put the value in the array on the same place as the previous sequence number'
            ElseIf nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes(j).BaseName = "Desc" Then
                ReDim Preserve DescArr(x)
                For l = k To UBound(DescArr) - 1
                    DescArr(l + 1) = DescArr(l)
                Next l
                DescArr(k) = nodeXML3(i).ChildNodes(j).Text
            End If
        Next j
        'Put the array values in the right cells'
        For j = 0 To UBound(SequenceArr)
            osh.Range("C" & oRow).Value = osh.Range("C" & oRow).Value & " " & SequenceArr(j)
            osh.Range("D" & oRow).Value = osh.Range("D" & oRow).Value & " " & DescArr(j)
        Next j
        'Erase the arrays again for the next iteration'
        Erase SequenceArr
        Erase DescArr
    Next i
' Finish'
MsgBox "Process Completed"
End Sub
