import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
public class WmiClientClassJson {
static {
public native void createConnection(String query , LinkedHashMap<String,Object> map , ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>> list);
public static void main(String[] args)
WmiClientClassJson obj = new WmiClientClassJson();
LinkedHashMap<String , Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String , Object>();
ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String , Object>> list= new ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String , Object>>();
obj.createConnection("String" , map , list );
public void indexToEs()
System.out.println("index method called");
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_WmiClientClassJson_createConnection(JNIEnv *env, jobject classobj , jstring query , jobject mmapobj , jobject listobj )
//Getting ListClass reference
jclass ListClass = env->GetObjectClass(listobj);
if( ListClass == NULL )
cout << "ListClass null " << endl ;
return ;
jmethodID listConstructor = env->GetMethodID(ListClass,"<init>","()V");
if(listConstructor == NULL)
cout << "mapconstructor null "<< endl ;
return ;
cout<< "list constructor found" << endl ;
//Getting ArrayList add method
jmethodID addMethod = env->GetMethodID(ListClass , "add" , "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
if(addMethod == NULL)
cout << "addMethod null "<< endl ;
return ;
//cout << "add method found " << endl ;
jmethodID sizeMethod = env->GetMethodID(ListClass , "size" , "()I");
if(sizeMethod == NULL )
cout << "sizeMethod null" << endl ;
return ;
cout << "size method found" << endl ;
jclass callingClass = env->GetObjectClass(classobj);
if( callingClass = NULL )
cout << "Calling class null " << endl ;
return ;
else cout << "calling class found" << endl ;
jmethodID indexMethod = env->GetMethodID(callingClass , "indexToEs" , "()V"); // the code throws an error at this point
if( indexMethod == NULL )
cout << "index method not found" << endl ;
return ;
else cout << "index method found" << endl ;
WARNING: JNI local refs: zu, exceeds capacity: zu
at java.lang.System.initProperties(Native Method)
at java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(Unknown Source)
WARNING in native method: JNI call made without checking exceptions when required to from CallStaticObjectMethod
list constructor found
size method found
calling class found
FATAL ERROR in native method: Bad global or local ref passed to JNI
at WmiClientClassJson.createConnection(Native Method)
at WmiClientClassJson.main(WmiClientClassJson.java:17)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if( callingClass = NULL )
将采用类引用并将其更改为 0 。
你应该更多地关注编译器警告,通常C ++编译器提醒你永远不要写
if ( something = 0 )
if( callingClass == NULL )