修改EFCore 1.1 Include和ThenInclude行为

时间:2018-03-15 17:16:21

标签: entity-framework linq entity-framework-core

在EFCore 1.1中,有.Include

        var q = (from o in context.Company
                 where o.Id == CompanyId && !o.IsDelete
                 select o)
                .Include(x => x.Personnel)
                .ThenInclude(x => x.HomeAddress)


    public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> AlongWith<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : Domain.EntityBase
        // original EFCore 1.1 .Include(..) behavior
        var result = source.Include(navigationPropertyPath);
        return result;


        // 1. Create the expression for IsDelete == false
        var type = typeof(Domain.EntityBase);
        ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(type, "personnel");
        var left = Expression.Property(pe, type.GetProperty("IsDelete"));
        var right = Expression.Constant(false);
        var predicateBody = Expression.Equal(left, right);

        // 2. Attempt to append the IsDelete check from step 1
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda(navigationPropertyPath.Body, pe);
        // error: System.InvalidOperationException
        var navigationPropertyPathWithDeleteFalse = Expression.And(lambda, predicateBody);              

是否可以为navigationPropertyPath附加&& !IsDelete

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