
时间:2018-03-15 15:46:59

标签: python


从遗传序列比对中,我想找到间隙/插入点的起始位置和结束位置的位置“ - ”在我的序列中彼此相邻,间隙区域的数量,并计算长度差距地区。例如:



Number of gaps = 3

Index Position of Gap region 1 = 3 to 6
Length of Gap region 1 = 4

Index Position of Gap region 2 = 13 to 14
Length of Gap region 2 = 2

Index Position of Gap region 3 = 16 to 20
Length of Gap region 3 = 5


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

你想要的是使用正则表达式来找到一个间隙(一个或多个破折号,转换为' - +',加号意味着一个或多个):

import re

seq = 'ATC----GCTGTA--A-----T'
matches = list(re.finditer('-+', seq))

print 'Number of gaps =', len(matches)

for region_number, match in enumerate(matches, 1):
    print 'Index Position of Gap region {} = {} to {}'.format(
            match.end() - 1)
    print 'Length of Gap region {} = {}'.format(
            match.end() - match.start())


  • matches是匹配对象列表
  • 为了获得区号,我使用了函数enumerate。您可以查看它是如何工作的。
  • 匹配对象有很多方法,但我们感兴趣的是返回起始索引的.start()和返回结束索引的.end()。请注意,这里的结束索引是你想要的一个,因此我从中减去了1。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


import re

def findGaps(aSeq):
    # Get and print the list of gaps present into the sequence
    gaps = re.findall('[-]+', aSeq)
    print('Number of gaps = {0} \n'.format(len(gaps)))
    # Get and print start index, end index and length for each gap
    for i,gap in enumerate(gaps,1):
        startIndex = aSeq.index(gap)
        endIndex = startIndex + len(gap) - 1
        print('Index Position of Gap region {0} = {1} to {2}'.format(i, startIndex, endIndex))
        print('Length of Gap region {0} = {1} \n'.format(i, len(gap)))
        aSeq = aSeq.replace(gap,'*' * len(gap), 1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


import itertools

# group the repeated positions
gaps = [(k, sum(1 for _ in vs)) for k, vs in itertools.groupby(nucleotide)]

# text formating
summary_head = "Number of gaps = {0}"
summary_gap = """
Index Position of Gap region {0} = {2} to {3}
Length of Gap region {0} = {1}

# Print output
print summary_head.format(len([g for g in gaps if g[0]=="-"]))
gcount = 1   # this will count the gap number
position = 0 # this will make sure we know the position in the sequence
for i, g in enumerate(gaps):
    if g[0] == "-":
        gini = position             # start position current gap
        gend = position + g[1] - 1  # end position current gap
        print summary_gap.format(gcount, g[1], gini, gend)
    position += g[1]


# Number of gaps = 3

# Index Position of Gap region 1 = 3 to 6
# Length of Gap region 1 = 4

# Index Position of Gap region 2 = 13 to 14
# Length of Gap region 2 = 2

# Index Position of Gap region 3 = 16 to 20
# Length of Gap region 3 = 5


import itertools
import pandas as pd

# group the repeated positions
gaps = pd.DataFrame([(k, sum(1 for _ in vs)) for k, vs in itertools.groupby(nucleotide)])

gaps.columns = ["type", "length"]
gaps["ini"] = gaps["length"].cumsum() - gaps["length"]
gaps["end"] = gaps["ini"] + gaps["length"] - 1
gaps = gaps[gaps["type"] == "-"]
gaps.index = range(1, gaps.shape[0] + 1)

summary_head = "Number of gaps = {0}"

summary_gap = """
Index Position of Gap region {0} = {1[ini]} to {1[end]}
Length of Gap region {0} = {1[length]}

print summary_head.format(gaps.shape[0])

for index, row in gaps.iterrows():
    print summary_gap.format(index, row)


import itertools
import pandas as pd

all_gaps = []
for nucleoseq in nucleotides:
    seqid, nucleotide = nucleoseq[1:].split("\n")
    gaps = pd.DataFrame([(k, sum(1 for _ in vs)) for k, vs in itertools.groupby(nucleotide)])

    gaps.columns = ["type", "length"]
    gaps["ini"] = gaps["length"].cumsum() - gaps["length"]
    gaps["end"] = gaps["ini"] + gaps["length"] - 1
    gaps = gaps[gaps["type"] == "-"]
    gaps.index = range(1, gaps.shape[0] + 1)
    gaps["seqid"] = seqid
all_gaps = pd.concat(all_gaps)


  type  length  ini  end seqid
1    -       4    3    6  Seq1
2    -       2   13   14  Seq1
3    -       5   16   20  Seq1
1    -       3    6    8  Seq2
2    -       2   11   12  Seq2
3    -       1   20   20  Seq2


for k in all_gaps["seqid"].unique():
    seqg = all_gaps[all_gaps["seqid"] == k]
    print ">{}".format(k)
    print summary_head.format(seqg.shape[0])

    for index, row in seqg.iterrows():
        print summary_gap.format(index, row)


Number of gaps = 3

Index Position of Gap region 1 = 3 to 6
Length of Gap region 1 = 4

Index Position of Gap region 2 = 13 to 14
Length of Gap region 2 = 2

Index Position of Gap region 3 = 16 to 20
Length of Gap region 3 = 5

Number of gaps = 3

Index Position of Gap region 1 = 6 to 8
Length of Gap region 1 = 3

Index Position of Gap region 2 = 11 to 12
Length of Gap region 2 = 2

Index Position of Gap region 3 = 20 to 20
Length of Gap region 3 = 1

答案 3 :(得分:0)


>>> def get_seq_gaps(seq):
...     gaps = np.array([i for i, el in enumerate(seq) if el == '-'])
...     diff = np.cumsum(np.append([False], np.diff(gaps) != 1))
...     un = np.unique(diff)
...     yield len(un)
...     for i in un:
...         subseq = gaps[diff == i]
...         yield i + 1, len(subseq), subseq.min(), subseq.max()

>>> def report_gaps(seq):
...     gaps = get_seq_gaps(seq)
...     print('Number of gaps = %s\n' % next(gaps), sep='')
...     for (i, l, mn, mx) in gaps:
...         print('Index Position of Gap region %s = %s to %s' % (i, mn, mx))
...         print('Length of Gap Region %s = %s\n' % (i, l), sep='')

>>> seq = 'ATC----GCTGTA--A-----T'
>>> report_gaps(seq)
Number of gaps = 3

Index Position of Gap region 1 = 3 to 6
Length of Gap Region 1 = 4

Index Position of Gap region 2 = 13 to 14
Length of Gap Region 2 = 2

Index Position of Gap region 3 = 16 to 20
Length of Gap Region 3 = 5


>>> gaps
array([ 3,  4,  5,  6, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])


>>> diff
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
