USE `options`;
SELECT * FROM `table` A, `tableb` B,
(SELECT * FROM `table` A, `tableb` B,
WHEN hour(a.quote_datetime) = 9
AND minute(a.quote_datetime) = 31
AND second(a.quote_datetime) = 0
AND (TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, a.quote_datetime, a.expiration) > 0
AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, a.quote_datetime, a.expiration) < 7)
AND ((ABS((SELECT b.strike FROM `tableb` WHERE
b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) - (SELECT b.underlying_ask FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (IF( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00', a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration))) BETWEEN 0.25 AND 2.75)
AND (((SELECT b.option_type FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) = 'C' AND (SELECT B.strike FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) > (SELECT B.underlying_ask FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration))
OR (SELECT b.option_type FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) = 'P' AND (SELECT B.strike FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) < (SELECT B.underlying_ask FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration))
THEN ((SELECT MAX(b.bid) FROM `tableb` WHERE date(b.quote_datetime) = date(a.quote_datetime) AND a.strike = b.strike AND a.option_type = b.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration) - (SELECT b.ask FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) and a.strike = b.strike AND a.optiontype = b.optiontype AND a.expiration = b.expiration))/(SELECT b.ask FROM `tableb` WHERE b.quote_datetime = (if( dayofweek(a.quote_datetime)=2, a.quote_datetime -'65:32:00' , a.quote_datetime - '17:32:00')) AND b.strike = a.strike AND b.option_type = a.option_type AND a.expiration = b.expiration)
END) AS All_Filter