
时间:2018-03-15 08:43:31

标签: curve-fitting piecewise


%% generate some dummy data
knots = rand(10,2);
% fix starting and stop points
knots = [[0,rand()];knots;[1,rand()]];
% sort knots
% generate dummy curve
dummyX = linspace(0,1,10^4);
dummyY = interp1(knots(:,1),knots(:,2),dummyX,'spline');
%% Add offset and wipe some parts
% get borders of chunks
borders = [1;randi([1,numel(dummyX)],20,1);numel(dummyX)];
borders = unique(borders);
borders = [borders(1:end-1)+1,borders(2:end)];
borders(1) = 1;
% add ofsets or nans
offset = (rand(size(borders,1),1)-0.5)*5;
for iBorder = 1:size(borders,1)
   idx = borders(iBorder,1): borders(iBorder,2);

enter image description here



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 通过样条线获得具有给定精度的每个块的结点
  2. 加入所有内容
  3. 减少打结以避免接触组中非常紧密的结,这些可能导致大曲率。
  4. 使用minimalsq适用于整个集合,并在连接和减少的结点上使用样条线来查找轮班。
  5. 理论上,人们可以玩/修改:

    • 样条顺序
    • min结密度
    • 最大结密度
    • 如何处理相邻的集合
    • 在大间隙中添加结



    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, splrep, splev
    from scipy.optimize import fmin, leastsq
    def reduce_knots( inList, dist ):
        for i in inList:
                if abs( i - addList[ -1 ] ) < dist:
                    addList += [ i ]
                    outList += [ addList ]
                    addList = [ i ]
            except IndexError:### basically the first
                addList = [ i]
        outList += [ addList ]
        return [ sum( x ) / len( x ) for x in outList ]
    def adaptive_knots( inX, inY, thresh=.005 ):
        ll = len( inX )
        sup = ll - 4
        assert sup > 3
        nN = 3
        test = True
        while test:
            testknots = np.linspace( 1, len( inX ) - 2, nN, dtype=np.int )
            testknots = [ inX[ x ] for x in testknots ]
            myTCK= splrep( inX , inY, t=testknots )
            newY = splev( inX , myTCK )
            chi2 = np.sum( ( newY - inY )**2 ) / ll
            if chi2 > thresh:
                nN += 1
                if nN > sup:
                    test = False
                test = False
        return testknots
    def global_residuals( shiftList, xBlocks, yBlocks, allTheKnots ):# everything shifted (1 is redundant by global offset) Blocks must be ordered an np.arrays
        localYBlocks = [ s + yList for s, yList in zip( shiftList, yBlocks ) ]
        allTheX = np.concatenate( xBlocks )
        allTheY = np.concatenate( localYBlocks )
        tck = splrep( allTheX, allTheY, t=allTheKnots )
        yList  = splev( allTheX, tck )
        diff = yList - allTheY
        return diff
    #~ np.random.seed( 28561 )
    np.random.seed( 5561 )
    #~ np.random.seed( 733437 )
    ### python way for test data
    knots = np.random.rand( 8, 2 )
    knots = np.array( sorted( [ [ 0, np.random.rand() ] ] + list( knots ) + [ [ 1, np.random.rand() ] ], key=lambda x: x[ 0 ] ) )
    dummyX = np.linspace( 0, 1, 3e4 )
    f = interp1d( knots[ :, 0 ], knots[ :, 1 ], 'cubic' )
    dummyY = np.fromiter( ( f( x ) for x in dummyX ), np.float )
    chunk = np.append( [ 0 ], np.append( np.sort( np.random.randint( 7, high=len( dummyX ) - 10 , size= 10, dtype=np.int ) ), len( dummyX ) ) )
    xDataDict = dict()
    yDataDict = dict()
    allX = np.array( [] )
    allY = np.array( [] )
    allK = np.array( [] )
    allS = []
    for i, val in enumerate(chunk[ : -1 ] ):
        if np.random.rand() < .75: ## 25% of not appearing
            xDataDict[ i ] = dummyX[ val:chunk[ i + 1 ] ]
            realShift = 1.5 * ( 1 - 2 * np.random.rand() )
            allS += [ realShift ]
            yDataDict[ i ] = dummyY[ val:chunk[ i + 1 ] ] + realShift
            yDataDict[ i ] = np.fromiter( ( np.random.normal( scale=.05, loc=y ) for y in yDataDict[ i ] ), np.float )
            allX = np.append( allX, xDataDict[ i ] )
            allY = np.append( allY, yDataDict[ i ] )
    ### Plotting
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 1 )
    ax.plot( knots[ :, 0 ],knots[ :, 1 ], ls='', c='r', marker='o')
    ax.plot( dummyX , dummyY, '--' )
    for key in xDataDict.keys():
        ax.plot(xDataDict[ key ], yDataDict[ key ] )
        myKnots = adaptive_knots( xDataDict[ key ], yDataDict[ key ] )
        allK = np.append( allK, myKnots )
        myTCK = splrep( xDataDict[ key ], yDataDict[ key ], t=myKnots )
        ax.plot( xDataDict[ key ], splev( xDataDict[ key ] , myTCK ) )
    myTCK = splrep( allX, allY, t=allK )
    ax.plot( allX, splev( allX, myTCK ) )
    for x in allK:
        ax.axvline( x=x, linestyle=':', color='#AAAAAA', linewidth=1 )
    ### now fitting
    myXBlockList = []
    myYBlockList = []
    for key in sorted( xDataDict.keys() ):
         myXBlockList += [ xDataDict[ key ] ]
         myYBlockList += [ yDataDict[ key ] ]
    #start values
    s = [ 0 ]
    for i,y in enumerate( myYBlockList[ :-1 ] ):
        ds = myYBlockList[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] - y[ -1 ]
        s += [ -ds ]
    startShift = np.cumsum( s )
    allK = reduce_knots( allK, .01 )
    sol, ierr = leastsq( global_residuals, x0=startShift, args=( myXBlockList, myYBlockList, allK ), maxfev=10000 )
    sol = np.array(sol) - sol[ 0 ]
    print "solution: ", -sol
    print "real: ", np.array( allS ) - allS[ 0 ]
    ### Plotting solutions
    bx = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 3, sharex=ax )
    for x, y, s in zip( myXBlockList, myYBlockList, sol ):
        bx.plot( x, y + s )
    localYBlocks = [ s + yList for s,yList in zip( sol, myYBlockList ) ]
    allTheX = np.concatenate( myXBlockList )
    allTheY = np.concatenate( localYBlocks )
    tck = splrep( allTheX, allTheY, t=allK )
    dx = allTheX[ 1 ] - allTheX[ 0 ]
    testX = np.arange( allTheX[ 0 ], allTheX[ -1 ], dx )
    finalyList  = splev( testX, tck)
    bx.plot( testX, finalyList , 'k--' )
    mean = sum( dummyY ) / len( dummyY ) - sum( finalyList ) / len( finalyList )
    bx.plot( dummyX, dummyY - mean, '--' )
    for x in allK:
        bx.axvline( x=x, linestyle=':', color='#AAAAAA', linewidth=1 )
    cx = fig.add_subplot( 3, 1, 2, sharex=ax )
    for x, y, s in zip( myXBlockList, myYBlockList, startShift ):
        cx.plot( x, y + s )


    seed 5561 上图显示原始样条曲线及其结点为红点。这生成了数据。此外,它显示了嘈杂的移位块,初始拟合结作为垂直线和相应的样条拟合。 中间图显示了移动了预先计算的起始值的块 - 对齐的结束。 下图显示了原始样条曲线,拟合样条曲线,减少的结点位置以及根据拟合解决方案移动的块。


    seed 733437
