我使用网络服务将pdf转换为bitmap以在Arduino mini thermal printer上打印。
arduino BMP函数要求位图是uint8_t类型的数组。我可以将BMP降低为base64编码,所以我的问题是如何将base64字符串转换为等效类型uint8_t的数组?
let buffer = new Buffer(body, 'base64').toString('hex');
let array = [...buffer];
arr = arr.map(e => { return `0x${e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}`; });
let obj = {
width: img.width, // from cloudinary response (pdf to bmp)
height: img.height, // from cloudinary response (pdf to bmp)
data: arr
更新 我相信我越来越近了:
let buffer = new Buffer(body, 'base64');
let arrBuffer = [...buffer];
let imgArray = new Uint8Array([...arrBuffer], 0, arrBuffer.length);
let hexArray = [];
for (data of imgArray.values()) { hexArray.push(data.toString(16)); }