
时间:2011-02-08 01:44:34

标签: android eclipse eclipse-plugin

我的目标是复制NotePad示例项目,这样如果我修改源文件以便通过实验学习,原始示例文件将受到影响。 @Neutrino在this post的子弹1-2-3中很好地解释了这个目标背后的理性。

根据@ Neutrino的帖子,我执行了以下步骤:


 1. Close Eclipse.
 2. Copy the entire sample folder
    **NotePad** from C:\android-sdk-windows\samples\android-7
    to C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad


   1. Start Eclipse
   2. File > New > Project > Android Project [Next]
      > Create project from existing **source**: C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad
   3. Delete project from Package Explorer (without deleting its files from disk!)
   4. File > Import... 
      > General > Existing Projects into Workspace [Next]
        > Browse: C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad
        > Check "Copy projects into workspace" [Finish]
   5. Delete entire folder C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad from disk.


Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Error generating final archive: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\sb\workspace\NotesList\bin\resources.ap_ does not exist   NotesList       Unknown Android Packaging Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_height' with value 'match_parent').  note_editor.xml /NotesList/res/layout   line 17 Android AAPT Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_width' with value 'match_parent').   note_editor.xml /NotesList/res/layout   line 17 Android AAPT Problem
error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'layout_width' with value 'match_parent').   noteslist_item.xml  /NotesList/res/layout   line 17 Android AAPT Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 148    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 151    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 175    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 177    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 194    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 195    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 265    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 269    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NoteEditor.java /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 276    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NotesList.java  /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 83 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NotesList.java  /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 94 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NotesList.java  /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 177    Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NotesLiveFolder.java    /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 48 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  NotesLiveFolder.java    /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 51 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  TitleEditor.java    /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 71 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  TitleEditor.java    /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 80 Java Problem
R cannot be resolved to a variable  TitleEditor.java    /NotesList/src/com/example/android/notepad  line 83 Java Problem


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)



 1. Close Eclipse.
 2. Copy the entire sample folder
    **NotePad** from C:\android-sdk-windows\samples\android-8
    to C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad


   1. Start Eclipse
   2. File > New > Project > Android Project [Next]
      > Create project from existing **source**: C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad
      > Build Target: **Uncheck** Android 1.5. **Check** Android 2.2. [Finish]
   3. Delete project from Package Explorer (without deleting its files from disk!)
   4. File > Import... 
      > General > Existing Projects into Workspace [Next]
        > Browse: C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad
        > Check "Copy projects into workspace" [Finish]
   5. Delete entire folder C:\Users\androideve\Documents\NotePad from disk.


Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Attribute minSdkVersion (3) is lower than the project target API level (8)  AndroidManifest.xml /NotesList  line 1  Android ADT Problem


[2011-02-10 12:45:50 - com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.AndroidManifestHelper] Unable to read C:\android-sdk-windows\AndroidManifest.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\android-sdk-windows\AndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)
[2011-02-10 12:45:50 - com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.AndroidManifestHelper] Unable to read C:\android-sdk-windows\AndroidManifest.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\android-sdk-windows\AndroidManifest.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)

确实如此:C:\ android-sdk-windows中没有AndroidManifest.xml,但NoteList目录中有一个。为什么抱怨这个?为什么它在C:\ android-sdk-windows中查找?


总之,问题的根源是我使用的是Android 7样本(而不是Android 8),并且我继续使用构建目标1.5(而不是2.2)。

一切都很顺利。 :)

答案 1 :(得分:2)


R cannot be resolved - Android error



  1. 从工作区中删除项目,也将其从磁盘中删除(如果要保留它,则将其重命名,以便它与您要导入的项目不冲突)
  2. 在Eclipse中File > Import并选择Existing Projects into Workspace选项
  3. 选择Select root directory并浏览到Samples文件夹,直至找到NodePad根目录
  4. 点击Open或任何相关的“确定”选项
  5. 选中Copy projects into workspace
  6. 点击Finish
  7. 这应该导入一个很好的API演示版本的碳复制品,以便修改目录树中的原始资源

答案 2 :(得分:2)


答案 3 :(得分:1)


  1. “新建”;
  2. “Android Project”
  3. 插入临时项目名称(不是您想要的最终名称);
  4. 选择已下载示例的“构建目标”;
  5. 选择“从现有样本创建项目”并选择所需的代码示例;
  6. 点击“完成”;
  7. 右键单击项目并选择“复制”;
  8. 右键单击Project Explorer中的空白区域,然后选择“粘贴”;
  9. 插入您为项目选择的最终名称;
  10. 如果您希望项目位于工作区内的常用路径中,请选择“使用默认位置”。
  11. 就是这样,项目和代码现在重复并在您的工作区中工作。