
时间:2018-03-14 20:31:06

标签: javascript jquery jquery-ui shopify liquid


我从这个代码笔中获取了代码: https://codepen.io/elmahdim/pen/tEeDn



    <div class="product_wrap">
      <a href="{{ product.url }}" class="grid__image">
        {% if template == 'index'%}
          <img class="firstProdPic" src="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: 'grande' }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}">
        {% else %}
          <img class="firstProdPic" src="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: 'large' }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}">
        {% endif %}
        <div name="secomapp-fg-image-{{ product.id }}" style="display: none;"> {{ "icon-freegift.png" | asset_url | img_tag: "", "sca-fg-img-collect" }} </div>
        <div class="sca-fg-cat-list" style="display:none;" name="secomapp-fg-data-{{ product.id }}" prod-show='list'> </div>
      <div class="view-details-btn">
        {%comment%}<a href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}" class="btn btn3">View Details</a>{%endcomment%}
    <!--     changed the above part because it was throwing different urls ^^^^^^^^^^^^^-->
    <!--     <a href="{{ product.url }}" class="btn btn3">View Details</a> -->
        {% if product.images[1] %}
        <a href="{{product.url}}">
          <img class="secondProdPic" src="{{ product.images[1] | product_img_url: 'large' }}" alt="{{ product.images[1].alt | escape }}" />

      {% if settings.quick_view_enabled %}
        <a href="#product-{{ product.id }}" class="quick-view-link">Quick View</a>
        {% include 'quick-view' %}
      {% endif %}

      {% if settings.collection_layout == 'hover' %}
        <div class="product_overlay">
          <div class="overlay-table">
            <div class="overlay-inner">
        {% else %}
            <div class="product_info{% if settings.collection_layout == 'fancy' %} fancy{% endif %}">
        {% endif %}
              <a href="{{product.url}}"><p class="product_title">{{ product.title | split: ' - ' | first }}</p></a>
              <p class="tags" style="color: {{productColor}};">{{ helps | upcase }}</p>
              <div class="product-meta">
                {% if settings.show_product_price %}
                  <p class="product_price">
              {% unless variant.metafields.secomapp.freegifts %}
              {% unless variant.title contains '(Freegifts)' %} 
                    {% if on_sale %}
                      {% if bold_price_varies %}
                        {% assign sale_price = bold_price | money %}
                        <strong>{{ 'products.product.on_sale' | t: price: sale_price }}</strong>
                      {% else %}
                        <span class="comparePrice">{{ bold_compare_at_price_min | money }}</span>
                        <span>{{ bold_price | money }}</span>
                      {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                      {% if bold_price_varies %}
                        {% assign price = bold_price | money %}
                        {% if settings.product_varyprice == 'from' %}
                          {{ 'products.general.from_text_html' | t: price: price }}
                        {% elsif settings.product_varyprice == 'plus' %}
                          {{ bold_price | money }}+
                        {% else %}

                              {{ bold_price_min | money }} - {{ bold_price_max | money }}

                        {% endif %}
                      {% else %}
                        {{ bold_price | money }}
                      {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
                <!--<p><span class="shopify-product-reviews-badge" data-id="{{ product.id }}"></span></p>-->
                  <div class="yotpo bottomLine"
                    data-product-id="{{ product.id }}"
                    data-url="{{ product.url }}">
                <form method="post" action="/cart/add" class="productCoreForm">
                  <div class="product-single__add-to-cart">
                    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ bold_selected_or_first_available_variant.id }}" />

    <!-- ***************************Took out the plus and minus sign from add to cart button -->
                    {% comment %}{% if settings.collection_add_cart_quantity %}{% if settings.collection_add_cart_quantity %}{% include 'quantity' with 'collection' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %}
    <!-- ***************************took outthe plus and minus sign from add to cart button -->

                    <div class="submit-container">
                      <input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="back" />
                      <input type="submit" name="add" id="addtacart" class="btn {{settings.product_page_button_type}} productCoreBtn {{product.handle}} pcoreButton" data-price="{{ current_variant.price | money_without_currency }}" value="{{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }}" />
                {% endif %}
      {% if settings.collection_layout == 'hover'%}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %} 
      // fly to cart code *********************************************************************
      $('.pcoreButton').on('click', function () {
            console.log('firing addtocart');
            var cart = $('.cart-link');
            var imgtodrag = $(this).parents('.product_wrap').find('.firstProdPic');
            if (imgtodrag.length) {
                var imgclone = imgtodrag.clone()
                    top: imgtodrag.offset().top,
                    left: imgtodrag.offset().left
                    'opacity': '0.5',
                        'position': 'absolute',
                        'height': '150px',
                        'width': '150px',
                        'z-index': '100'
                    'top': cart.offset().top + 10,
                        'left': cart.offset().left + 10,
                        'width': 75,
                        'height': 75
                }, 1000);

                    'width': 0,
                        'height': 0
                }, function () {


            <header class="site-header is-moved-by-drawer" role="banner">
            {% if settings.top_bar_show %}
              <div class="top-bar">
                <div class="wrapper">
                  <div class="top-bar-inner">
                    {% if settings.top_bar_text != '' %}
                    <div class="top-bar-content">
                      {% if customer %}
                        <div class="top-bar-text"  style="display:table;font-size:0.8rem;">{{ settings.top_bar_text }}</div>
                      {% else %}
                        <div class="top-bar-text"  style="display:table;font-size:0.8rem;">{%include 'topbar_newsletter' %}</div>
                    {% endif %}

                    <div class="top-bar-meta right medium-down--hide">
                      <div class="header-right">
                        {% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %}
                          {% if customer %}
                            <a href='' style="text-transform:none;">You have (<span data-lion-points>0</span>) Guru Points</a>
                            {{ 'Log out' | customer_logout_link }}
                            <a href="/account" class="account-link"><span>Account</span> {% include 'svg_icon' with 'account' %}</a>
                          {% else %}
                            <a href='' style="text-transform:none;">You have (<span data-lion-points>0</span>) Guru Points</a>
                            {{ 'Log in' | customer_login_link }}
                            {% if shop.customer_accounts_optional %}
                              {{ 'Register' | customer_register_link }}
                            {% endif %}
                          {% endif %}
                        {% endif %}
                        <a href="/cart" class="cart-link site-header__cart-toggle js-drawer-open-right" aria-controls="CartDrawer" aria-expanded="false">{% include 'svg_icon' with 'cart' %}<span class="cart-count">{{ cart.item_count }}</span></a>

            {% endif %}
            <div class="site-nav--mobile mobile-cart-btn post-medium--hide text-right">
            <span id="mobileSearch" class="icon icon-search searchIcon"></span>

            <a href="/cart" class="js-drawer-open-right site-nav__link cart-link" aria-controls="CartDrawer" aria-expanded="false">
              <span class="cart-svg">
                {% include 'svg_icon' with 'cart' %}
                <span class="cart-count">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发现这是因为某些原因的.cart-link没有被.offset()。left或.offset()。top读取。 Console.logged它和控制台说它是未定义的。 走了树,叫了一个父div,它给了我一个值。 然而,它仍然会在移动设备上以不同方式启动,因此我添加了一个查询以检查移动窗口大小并抓住移动推车元素以找到偏移量然后它完美无缺。