CREATE TABLE rv_data_bkt_country_m
interval_start timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
creative_id integer NOT NULL,
zone_id integer NOT NULL,
country character(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::bpchar,
city character(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::bpchar,
count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CONSTRAINT rv_data_bkt_country_m_pkey PRIMARY KEY (interval_start, creative_id, zone_id, country, city)
插入时SELECT bucket_update_rv_data_bkt_country_m('2018-03-14 08:00:00,1,1,'IN','',1)"
ERROR: function bucket_update_rv_data_bkt_country_m(unknown, integer, integer, unknown, unknown, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT bucket_update_rv_data_bkt_country_m('2018-03-14 08:00...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.