
时间:2018-03-14 03:49:05

标签: java swing loops runtime.exec

我一直在通过Java处理命令执行器。我想知道我是否可以不止一次循环,如果是这样,怎么样?示例在Sudo Code中的步骤:

  1. 构建Swing组件
  2. 从输入对话框
  3. 执行命令
  4. 在组件上打印syncpipe(Command的StdOut)
  5. 提示运行其他命令
  6. 如果为true则从输入对话框重新执行另一个命令,也返回步骤2并将文本保留在我的文本区域。
  7. 抱歉我的清晰度差。


    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Dos implements Runnable
     private PipedOutputStream pipeout;
     private PipedOutputStream pipeerr;
     String command = "cmd /K ";
     public Dos ( String[] cmd )
      pipeout = null;
      pipeerr = null;
     public void run ()
      exec ();
     public void exec ()
          // Class to redirect the process input stream to a piped output stream
          class OutputMonitor implements Runnable
               InputStream is;
               PipedOutputStream pout;
               public OutputMonitor ( InputStream i, PipedOutputStream p )
                is = i;
                pout = p;
               public void run ()
                         int inputChar;
                         for ( ;; )
                            inputChar = is.read();
                            if ( inputChar == -1 )
                            { break; }
                            if ( pout == null )
                                 System.out.write ( inputChar );
                                 pout.write ( inputChar );
                       if ( pout != null )
                            pout.flush ();
                            pout.close ();
                    catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace (); }
               Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime ();
               JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "(uses quotes for system Commands eg: \"java -jar BuildTools.jar --Latest \" )");
               String cmdargs = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type in Command:", "");
               Process p = r.exec (command + cmdargs);
               OutputMonitor out = new OutputMonitor ( p.getInputStream (), pipeout );
               OutputMonitor err = new OutputMonitor ( p.getErrorStream (), pipeerr );
               Thread t1 = new Thread ( out  );
               Thread t2 = new Thread ( err );
               t1.start ();
               t2.start ();
          catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace (); }
     public PipedInputStream getInputStream () throws IOException
          pipeout = new PipedOutputStream ();
          return new PipedInputStream ( pipeout );
     public PipedInputStream getErrorStream () throws IOException
          pipeerr = new PipedOutputStream ();
          return new PipedInputStream ( pipeerr );
     public void execInThread ()
          Thread t = new Thread ( this );
          t.start ();
     public static JPanel getContentPane ( JTextArea ta )
          JPanel p = new JPanel ( new BorderLayout () );
          JPanel bottom = new JPanel ( new FlowLayout () );
          JButton button = new JButton ( " Exit " );
          button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( )
                                   public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
                                        System.exit ( 0 );
          bottom.add ( button );
          p.add ( new JScrollPane ( ta ), BorderLayout.CENTER );
          p.add ( bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
          p.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( 640,480 ) );
          return p;
     public static void main ( String[] arg )
          class GuiUpdate implements Runnable
               private PipedInputStream pin;
               private PipedInputStream perr;
               private JTextArea outputArea;
                GuiUpdate ( JTextArea textArea, PipedInputStream in )
                 pin = in;
                 outputArea = textArea;
              public void run ()
                    // Class to run on the event dispatch thread to update the GUI
                    class UpdateSwing implements Runnable
                         String update;
                         JTextArea swingTextArea;
                         public UpdateSwing ( JTextArea a, String s )
                              update = s;
                              swingTextArea = a;
                         public void run ()
                              outputArea.append ( update + "\n" );
                         // Read file before displaying
                         BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( pin ) );
                         String line;
                         for ( ;; )
                              line = r.readLine ();
                              if ( line == null ) { break; }
                              SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new UpdateSwing ( outputArea, line ) );
                              Thread.yield ();
                    catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace (); }
          // Create and invoke GUI
          JFrame f = new JFrame ( "Minecraft GUI" );
          f.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.ICONIFIED );
          JTextArea textOutput = new JTextArea (); 
          f.getContentPane().add ( getContentPane ( textOutput ) );
          JButton b = new JButton("Do Command");
          f.show ();
               // Create command and setup the pipes
               Dos d = new Dos ( arg );
               PipedInputStream stdout_pipe = d.getInputStream ();
               PipedInputStream stderr_pipe = d.getErrorStream ();
               d.execInThread ( );
              // Results
               Thread t1 = new Thread ( new GuiUpdate ( textOutput, stdout_pipe ) );
               Thread t2 = new Thread ( new GuiUpdate ( textOutput, stderr_pipe ) );
               t1.start ();
               t2.start ();
          catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace (); }

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