
时间:2018-03-13 21:22:15

标签: r rollapply


width  from  by
2      1     A
3      1     A
2      2     A
3      2     A
2      1     B
3      1     B
2      2     B
3      2     B


x      pos   by
4      1     A
5      2     A
7      3     A
3      4     A
2      1     B
4      2     B
3      3     B
5      4     B


  1. 此滚动总和的宽度等于该行中给出的宽度

  2. 我们的起始位置相当于该行中的from vector值

  3. 我们希望根据行中的哪个级别为A或Bth因子执行

  4. 到目前为止,我有我们想要的

    rollapply(x = dat2$x, width = dat1$width, FUN = sum, align = "left", data = dat2)



    width  from  by   RS
    2      1     A    9
    3      1     A    16
    2      2     A    12
    3      2     A    15


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

1)对于Public Function StartupSettings() On Error GoTo Error_StartupSettings 'Hide menubars 'When used with the Application object, 'the MenuBar property enables you to display a custom menu bar 'throughout the database. However, if you've set the MenuBar 'property for a form or report in the database, the custom menu 'bar of the form or report will be displayed in place of the database's 'custom menu bar whenever the form or report has the focus. 'When the form or report loses the focus, the custom menu bar for the 'database is displayed. 'Application.MenuBar = "mcrBlankMenuBar" ControlUnlockT DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=1"), DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=2"), _ DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=3"), DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=4") ControlUnlock DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=1"), DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=2"), _ DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=3"), DLookup("Code", "tblSecurity", "Section=4") 'Change the keyboard Move After Enter behavior to Next Field rather 'then next record or dont move Application.SetOption "Move After Enter", 1 'Hide database window DoCmd.Echo False 'DoCmd.SelectObject A_MACRO, "mcrOpenMDB2", True 'DoCmd.DoMenuItem 1, 4, 3, , A_MENU_VER20 DoCmd.Echo True Exit_StartupSettings: Exit Function Error_StartupSettings: MsgBox Err.Description, 16, "Error " & Err & " - StartupSettings" Resume Exit_StartupSettings End Function 中的每一行i,匿名函数将dat2子集设置为dat1中的by值并从中挑选出来指示的dat1行并将它们相加:



transform(dat1, RS = sapply(1:nrow(dat1), function(i) 
 sum(subset(dat2, dat1$by[i] == by)[seq(from[i], length = width[i]), "x"])))

2)另一种方法是计算序列的起始值和宽度,以便在 width from by RS 1 2 1 A 9 2 3 1 A 16 3 2 2 A 12 4 3 2 A 15 5 2 1 B 6 6 3 1 B 9 7 2 2 B 7 8 3 2 B 12 中求和,然后应用:



st <- match(dat1$by, dat2$by) + dat1$from - 1
w <- dat1$width
Sum <- function(st, w) sum(dat2[seq(st, length = w), "x"])
transform(dat1, RS = mapply(Sum, st, w))



width from by RS 1 2 1 A 9 2 3 1 A 16 3 2 2 A 12 4 3 2 A 15 5 2 1 B 6 6 3 1 B 9 7 2 2 B 7 8 3 2 B 12 dat1是:




答案 1 :(得分:0)

另一种选择可能是使用joinjoin。该方法将filter两个数据帧“by”。然后应用pos仅考虑from介于from+widthx之间的行。最后取dat1 %>% inner_join(dat2, by = "by") %>% filter(from <= pos & pos < (from + width) ) %>% group_by(by, from, width ) %>% summarise(RS = sum(x)) %>% select(width, from, by, RS) # A tibble: 8 x 4 # Groups: by, from [4] # width from by RS # <int> <int> <chr> <int> # 1 2 1 A 9 # 2 3 1 A 16 # 3 2 2 A 12 # 4 3 2 A 15 # 5 2 1 B 6 # 6 3 1 B 9 # 7 2 2 B 7 # 8 3 2 B 12 列的总和。

dat1 <- read.table(text = 
"width  from  by
2      1     A
3      1     A
2      2     A
3      2     A
2      1     B
3      1     B
2      2     B
3      2     B", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dat2 <- read.table(text = 
"x      pos   by
4      1     A
5      2     A
7      3     A
3      4     A
2      1     B
4      2     B
3      3     B
5      4     B", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


temp.boxplot("price", by="year")